Importancia del dominio de las TIC por parte de los profesores en contexto de educación remota para el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje en 2do grado de educación primaria de una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación surge a partir del contexto de educación remota intempestiva a
causa de la propagación de la COVID-19 a nivel mundial; desde ese contexto nace
el interés en analizar el tema de la importancia del dominio de las TIC por parte de
los profesores, específicamente aplicado al contexto mencionado, y sus similares.
Acorde a ello se propone como objetivo general el análisis de la importancia del
dominio de las TIC por parte de los profesores para el desarrollo de la enseñanza y
aprendizaje en contexto de educación remota en segundo grado de primaria de una
institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana, del cual se desprenden los
siguientes objetivos específicos: el primero consiste en la descripción del dominio de
las TIC por parte de los docentes para el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, y el
segundo corresponde a la explicación de la importancia de las TIC en un contexto
de educación remota. Por otra parte, el método empleado es de tipo descriptiva y se
desarrolla bajo un enfoque cualitativo. A su vez, las principales conclusiones se
relacionan con la afirmación de los beneficios que brinda el dominio de los docentes
de los recursos tecnológicos en un contexto de educación remota, ya que son
quienes conducen e implementan desde sus planificaciones el uso de las TIC.
Asimismo, cabe destacar que muchos docentes no cuentan con el apoyo necesario
para potenciar sus habilidades tecnológicas, lo que ralentiza la implementación el
This research arises from the context of untimely remote education due to the spread of COVI-19 worldwide; from this context arises the interest in analyzing the issue of the importance of mastery of ICT by teachers, applied to the aforementioned context, and its similar. According to this, it is proposed as a general objective the analysis of the importance of mastery of ICT by teachers for the development of teaching and learning in the context of remote education in the second grade of primary school in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima, from which the following specific objectives emerge: the first consists of the description of the ICT domain by teachers for the teaching-learning process, and the second corresponds to the explanation of the importance of ICT in a context of remote education. On the other hand, the method used is descriptive and is developed under a qualitative approach. In turn, the main conclusions are related to the affirmation of the benefits provided by teachers’ mastery of technological resources in a remote education context, since they are ones who lead and implement ICTs from their planning. Likewise, it should be noted that many teachers do not have the necessary support to enhance their technological skills, which slows down the implementation of the process.
This research arises from the context of untimely remote education due to the spread of COVI-19 worldwide; from this context arises the interest in analyzing the issue of the importance of mastery of ICT by teachers, applied to the aforementioned context, and its similar. According to this, it is proposed as a general objective the analysis of the importance of mastery of ICT by teachers for the development of teaching and learning in the context of remote education in the second grade of primary school in a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima, from which the following specific objectives emerge: the first consists of the description of the ICT domain by teachers for the teaching-learning process, and the second corresponds to the explanation of the importance of ICT in a context of remote education. On the other hand, the method used is descriptive and is developed under a qualitative approach. In turn, the main conclusions are related to the affirmation of the benefits provided by teachers’ mastery of technological resources in a remote education context, since they are ones who lead and implement ICTs from their planning. Likewise, it should be noted that many teachers do not have the necessary support to enhance their technological skills, which slows down the implementation of the process.
Palabras clave
Tecnología educativa, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima, Personal docente, Tecnología de la información, Educación virtual
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