Gestión con enfoque en responsabilidad social en una empresa peruana de transporte aéreo de pasajeros
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La responsabilidad social paso de ser un tema netamente filantrópico a ser un tema relevante
para la mejora en la competitividad y reputación de las organizaciones. Se ha determinado
que las empresas peruanas de transporte aéreo de pasajeros desconocen el nivel en su gestión
de responsabilidad social, como si lo hacen sus pares extranjeros. Es por ello, que el
propósito de esta investigación es realizar una medición del nivel de responsabilidad social en
la aerolínea Aero Transporte S.A. (ATSA), que a su vez sea un punto de referencia para otras
compañías. El diseño de la investigación es de carácter cuantitativo con alcance descriptivo,
utilizando como instrumento de medición a los indicadores Ethos – IARSE versión 3.3. La
recolección de los datos fue a través de un cuestionario realizado a altos funcionarios de la
empresa. Los resultados sitúan a la empresa en un estadio dos de cinco, ello implica que
cumple con las normativas vigentes y se encuentra en desarrollo de iniciativas y prácticas de
responsabilidad social, pero, sin llegar aún a contar con políticas, procedimientos y sistemas
de gestión.
Social responsibility went from being a purely philanthropic issue to being a relevant issue for improving the competitiveness and reputation of organizations. Peruvian passenger air transport companies have been found to be unaware of the level of their social responsibility management, as their foreign peers are. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to measure the level of social responsibility at Aero Transporte S.A. (ATSA), which in turn is a benchmark for other companies. The research design is quantitative in nature with a descriptive scope, using the Ethos - IARSE version 3.3 indicators as a measurement instrument. The data was collected through a questionnaire made to senior company officials. The results place the company in a stage two of five, this implies that it complies with current regulations and is developing initiatives and practices of social responsibility, but without yet having policies, procedures and management systems.
Social responsibility went from being a purely philanthropic issue to being a relevant issue for improving the competitiveness and reputation of organizations. Peruvian passenger air transport companies have been found to be unaware of the level of their social responsibility management, as their foreign peers are. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to measure the level of social responsibility at Aero Transporte S.A. (ATSA), which in turn is a benchmark for other companies. The research design is quantitative in nature with a descriptive scope, using the Ethos - IARSE version 3.3 indicators as a measurement instrument. The data was collected through a questionnaire made to senior company officials. The results place the company in a stage two of five, this implies that it complies with current regulations and is developing initiatives and practices of social responsibility, but without yet having policies, procedures and management systems.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social de las empresas--Perú, Transporte aéreo