Ratificación del Convenio 190: Desafíos normativos que enfrenta la legislación peruana para la implementación del Convenio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar cuáles serían los desafíos que enfrenta
el Estado peruano para armonizar el Convenio núm. 190 a nuestra normativa
interna, a partir de la ratificación que ha realizado el Perú el 8 de junio de 2022,
teniendo como plazo para adecuar la misma hasta el 8 de junio de 2023.
De este modo, a fin de determinar cuáles serían los retos que enfrenta el Estado
Peruano, realizaremos, en primer lugar, un análisis de los antecedentes del
Convenio núm. 190 y su Recomendación núm. 206, con el objetivo de demostrar
que sí existía una necesidad de contar con un instrumento internacional en el mundo
laboral que definiera el acoso y violencia. En segundo lugar, analizaremos nuestras
normas internas, tales como la Ley de Prevención y Sanción del Hostigamiento
Sexual – Ley No. 27942, el Decreto Legislativo No. 14140 y demás pertinentes
señalando el ámbito de aplicación de cada una de las referidas normas y su
respectivo contenido, así como la diferencia entre las diferentes modalidades de
acoso. Finalmente, con la información anteriormente señalada se identificará los
desafíos que presenta adecuar el ámbito de aplicación, regulado en el artículo 2 del
Convenio núm. 190, a nuestra legislación interna.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the challenges Peru faces in adopting Convention No. 190 into its national legislation, following Peru's ratification on June 8, 2022, with a deadline of June 8, 2023. Consequently, to determine the challenges faced by the Peruvian State, we will first analyze the background of Convention No. 190 and its Recommendation No. 206, with the aim of demonstrating that there was a need for an international instrument in the world of work that defines harassment and violence. Secondly, we will analyze our internal norms, such as the Law for the Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment - Law No. 27942, Legislative Decree No. 14140 and other relevant laws, pointing out the scope of application of each of the referred norms and their respective content, as well as the difference between the different modalities of harassment. Finally, with the information, the challenges of adapting the scope of application, regulated in Article 2 of Convention No. 190, to domestic legislation will be identified.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the challenges Peru faces in adopting Convention No. 190 into its national legislation, following Peru's ratification on June 8, 2022, with a deadline of June 8, 2023. Consequently, to determine the challenges faced by the Peruvian State, we will first analyze the background of Convention No. 190 and its Recommendation No. 206, with the aim of demonstrating that there was a need for an international instrument in the world of work that defines harassment and violence. Secondly, we will analyze our internal norms, such as the Law for the Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment - Law No. 27942, Legislative Decree No. 14140 and other relevant laws, pointing out the scope of application of each of the referred norms and their respective content, as well as the difference between the different modalities of harassment. Finally, with the information, the challenges of adapting the scope of application, regulated in Article 2 of Convention No. 190, to domestic legislation will be identified.
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