El carácter mítico de la cooperación procesal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El trabajo examina críticamente dos autoproclamados pilares de la cooperación procesal elaborada por la “doctrina cooperativista” brasilera: la preocupación por una división equilibrada de tareas y el redimensionamiento del contradictorio hacia un sentido fuerte. Se defiende que el primero no se sustenta en sus propias premisas internas y que el segundo no es una peculiaridad que distinga al modelo cooperativo de los demás. De otro lado, se sustenta que los deberes de cooperación o son meras metonimias o son inconstitucionales, principalmente el deber de auxilio, que mantiene y amplía los poderes de dirección formal y material del proceso por el Estado-juez.
In this essay it is critically examined two self-proclaimed cooperation pil-lars, as elaborated by “cooperativist doctrine”, namely, concerned about a balanced division of tasks and the re-dimensioning of contradictory towards a strong meaning. Ii is defended that the first doesn’t underpin itself before its own internal premises and that the second is not a peculiarity which distinguishes the cooperative model from the others. It is also sustained that the cooperation duties sometimes are mere metonymies, sometimes are unconstitutional, mainly the assistance duty that maintains and amplifies the formal and material direction powers of the process by the judge.
In this essay it is critically examined two self-proclaimed cooperation pil-lars, as elaborated by “cooperativist doctrine”, namely, concerned about a balanced division of tasks and the re-dimensioning of contradictory towards a strong meaning. Ii is defended that the first doesn’t underpin itself before its own internal premises and that the second is not a peculiarity which distinguishes the cooperative model from the others. It is also sustained that the cooperation duties sometimes are mere metonymies, sometimes are unconstitutional, mainly the assistance duty that maintains and amplifies the formal and material direction powers of the process by the judge.
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