Análisis de la sostenibilidad social desde la percepción de las usuarias del Programa Nacional de Apoyo Directo a los Más Pobres JUNTOS del distrito de Churubamba - Huánuco 2014-2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación estudia los factores que contribuyen a la sostenibilidad
social del Programa Nacional de Apoyo Directo a los Más Pobres-JUNTOS
principalmente desde la percepción de las propias usuarias, y también demás
actores sociales (promotores sociales y autoridades) de este Programa; en el
distrito de Churubamba Huánuco, 2014-2017. Como sabemos JUNTOS se
implementó con el fin de fortalecer el capital social y el capital humano, por tanto,
el desarrollo de las capacidades humanas, y el empoderamiento con miras a
mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias y reducir la pobreza.
Uno de los hallazgos más importantes, es señalar la gran importancia que tiene la
participación de las usuarias, e implementadores, para la sostenibilidad de
JUNTOS (como el control del embarazo de las mujeres y sus hijos desde que
nacen, y la disminución de la deserción escolar). Si se optimiza la participación
de estos actores y además del personal de salud, educación y del gobierno local,
se puede lograr dicha sostenibilidad a partir de los cambios conscientes de las
familias usuarias. Estos cambios pueden ser sostenibles si el Programa enfatiza
el aspecto de asesoría y acompañamiento de los promotores de JUNTOS a las
familias más pobres. Esta cercanía permitiría hacer seguimiento a las nuevas
prácticas, reforzar y sensibilizar a las familias para que estos cambios puedan ser
cumplidos de manera voluntaria y no por obligación, lo que aportaría
significativamente a dicha sostenibilidad. El Programa prioriza la información
cuantitativa para cumplir las metas de los compromisos asumidos. En este caso
los promotores tienen que verificar la asistencia de las usuarias en los
establecimientos de salud; y de sus hijas e hijos en las instituciones educativas; lo
que implica varios procedimientos como las visitas a los lugares que de por si son
muy alejados, sin facilidades de transporte público, para la obtención, y cotejo de
la información en las entidades de salud y educación. Estos datos son muy
importantes, ya que de ello depende el pago a las familias y a los mismos
promotores. Esta intervención de los promotores de JUNTOS no prioriza la
información cualitativa, el trabajo educativo y el acompañamiento. Este es uno de
los hallazgos que hemos encontrado. Otro hallazgo es la necesidad de mejorar el
diseño organizacional del programa Juntos (Mejora Continua), incentivando la
participación social contextualizando el modelo según cada realidad; todo ello,
para una gestión eficiente de este programa social.
The current research addresses the intervening factors on “Programs Nacional de Apoyo Directo a los Más Pobres- JUNTOS” social sustainability, from the perspective of this policy’s final users and promoters in district of Churubamba – Huánuco (years 2014-2017). It is known that JUNTOS was implemented to enhance social and human capital within excluded population; therefore, it aims the development of human capacities and empowerment to improving families’ quality of life as well as reducing poverty. One of the most important findings is the great importance of the participation of the social actors of users and implementers for the sustainability of some of the achievements of the program, such as the control of the health of women and their children from pregnancy, as well as such as the decrease in school dropouts. By optimizing the participation of these actors, in addition to health, education, and local government personnel, sustainability can be achieved in improving the lives of user families. These changes can be sustainable if the Program emphasizes advising and accompanying the promoters to the poorest families. This proximity would allow monitoring new practices, as well as reinforcing and sensitizing families so that these changes can be carried out voluntarily and not by obligation, a key element of sustainability. Normally, JUNTOS prioritizes quantitative information to meet the goals of the commitments assumed. In this case, the promoters verify the attendance of the users in the health establishments; and their daughters and sons in educational institutions. This implies several procedures, such as visits to places that are in themselves very remote - without public transport facilities - and then the collation of the information with the health and education entities. These data are very crucial, since the payment to the families and the promoters themselves depends on it. However, one of the main findings that the text develops is that this intervention by JUNTOS promoters does not prioritize qualitative information, educational work, and support. Another finding is the need to improve the organizational design of the program (Continuous Improvement), with applicable actions for each reality, designing new intervention models in the field for efficient management.
The current research addresses the intervening factors on “Programs Nacional de Apoyo Directo a los Más Pobres- JUNTOS” social sustainability, from the perspective of this policy’s final users and promoters in district of Churubamba – Huánuco (years 2014-2017). It is known that JUNTOS was implemented to enhance social and human capital within excluded population; therefore, it aims the development of human capacities and empowerment to improving families’ quality of life as well as reducing poverty. One of the most important findings is the great importance of the participation of the social actors of users and implementers for the sustainability of some of the achievements of the program, such as the control of the health of women and their children from pregnancy, as well as such as the decrease in school dropouts. By optimizing the participation of these actors, in addition to health, education, and local government personnel, sustainability can be achieved in improving the lives of user families. These changes can be sustainable if the Program emphasizes advising and accompanying the promoters to the poorest families. This proximity would allow monitoring new practices, as well as reinforcing and sensitizing families so that these changes can be carried out voluntarily and not by obligation, a key element of sustainability. Normally, JUNTOS prioritizes quantitative information to meet the goals of the commitments assumed. In this case, the promoters verify the attendance of the users in the health establishments; and their daughters and sons in educational institutions. This implies several procedures, such as visits to places that are in themselves very remote - without public transport facilities - and then the collation of the information with the health and education entities. These data are very crucial, since the payment to the families and the promoters themselves depends on it. However, one of the main findings that the text develops is that this intervention by JUNTOS promoters does not prioritize qualitative information, educational work, and support. Another finding is the need to improve the organizational design of the program (Continuous Improvement), with applicable actions for each reality, designing new intervention models in the field for efficient management.