Obligaciones jurisprudenciales conforme la Corte IDH en la adecuación de legislación sobre violencia sexual e institucional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde su formación, la Corte IDH ha atendido un largo número de casos de
violaciones de derechos humanos, entre los que ha analizado investigaciones
sobre presuntas violaciones sexuales y la comisión de violencia institucional. En
dicho contexto, surge la necesidad urgente de adecuar la legislación interna de
los Estados para abordar estos temas. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo
exponer las obligaciones establecidas jurisprudencialmente por la Corte IDH
sobre legislación para prevenir y erradicar la violencia sexual e institucional. Así,
a partir de un análisis de los casos históricos de la Corte, se identificaron diversos
tipos de estándares interamericanos correspondientes al cumplimiento de las
obligaciones asumidas por los Estados parte de la Convención Americana y la
Convención Belém Do Pará. Todos estos expresan deberes relacionados a la
creación, modificación y derogación de normativa con la finalidad de promover
la igualdad legal y prevenir la comisión de violencia sexual e institucional.
Since its formation, the Inter-American Court has heard a large number of cases of human rights violations, among which it has analyzed investigations into alleged sexual violations and the commission of institutional violence. In this context, there is an urgent need to adapt the domestic legislation of States to address these issues. The objective of this article is to expose the obligations established jurisprudentially by the Inter-American Court on legislation to prevent and eradicate sexual and institutional violence. Thus, based on an analysis of the Court's historical cases, various types of inter-American standards were identified corresponding to compliance with the obligations assumed by the States parties to the American Convention and the Belém Do Pará Convention. All of these express duties related to the creation, modification and repeal of regulations with the purpose of promoting legal equality and preventing the commission of sexual and institutional violence.
Since its formation, the Inter-American Court has heard a large number of cases of human rights violations, among which it has analyzed investigations into alleged sexual violations and the commission of institutional violence. In this context, there is an urgent need to adapt the domestic legislation of States to address these issues. The objective of this article is to expose the obligations established jurisprudentially by the Inter-American Court on legislation to prevent and eradicate sexual and institutional violence. Thus, based on an analysis of the Court's historical cases, various types of inter-American standards were identified corresponding to compliance with the obligations assumed by the States parties to the American Convention and the Belém Do Pará Convention. All of these express duties related to the creation, modification and repeal of regulations with the purpose of promoting legal equality and preventing the commission of sexual and institutional violence.
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