Competencias del perfil de egreso de la licenciatura en Psicología de la PUCP a través de las Prácticas Preprofesionales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento da a conocer las competencias desarrolladas como parte
del perfil de egreso de la licenciatura en la PUCP mediante las Prácticas Pre-profesionales.
El centro de prácticas es una institución pública encargada de la gestión educativa, en la
cual mi rol fue apoyar al área que promueve la convivencia escolar, precisamente en los
proyectos para mejorar el clima escolar. Una necesidad identificada en la competencia
Diagnostica fue que el diagnóstico realizado por una institución de jerarquía superior
tomó en cuenta datos generales de la región. Por ello, propuse y realicé un diagnóstico
local: elaboré un cuestionario en línea como instrumento de recolección de información,
cuyos resultados, como la necesidad de orientación de los padres y madres de familia
sobre el comportamiento de los adolescentes, fueron considerados para adaptar las
actividades de la intervención. En la competencia Interviene identifiqué que el diseño no
era claro en cuanto a los objetivos y las actividades a desarrollar. En consecuencia, realicé
una propuesta del diseño de la intervención basada en la herramienta del marco lógico.
En adición, elaboré materiales audiovisuales como parte de las actividades de dicha
intervención. Finalmente, como parte de la competencia Evalúa, identifiqué como
necesidad el uso de la herramienta del marco lógico para plantear los indicadores de forma
precisa y monitorear el cumplimiento de los objetivos. La actividad que realicé fue
formular indicadores adicionales y realizar el monitoreo que brindó información sobre la
percepción de los usuarios respecto a los contenidos audiovisuales elaborados para la
This document shows the competences developed as part of the graduate profile of the degree at PUCP through Pre-professional Practices. My center for these practices is a public institution in charge of educational management, in which my role was to support the area that promotes school coexistence, precisely in projects to improve the school climate. A need identified in the Diagnostics competence was that the diagnosis made by a higher hierarchy institution considered general data from the region. Therefore, I proposed and carried out a local diagnosis: I developed an online test as an instrument for collecting information, the results of which, such as the need for guidance from parents on the behavior of teenagers, were considered to adapt the activities of the intervention. In the Intervention competition, I identified that the design was not clear regarding the objectives and the activities to be developed. Consequently, I made an intervention design proposal based on the logical framework tool. In addition, I developed audiovisual materials as part of the activities of said intervention. Finally, as part of the Evaluate competence, I identified as a need the use of the logical framework tool to set the indicators accurately and monitor the fulfillment of the objectives. The activity that I carried out was to formulate additional indicators and carry out the monitoring that provided information on the perception of the users regarding the audiovisual content prepared for the intervention.
This document shows the competences developed as part of the graduate profile of the degree at PUCP through Pre-professional Practices. My center for these practices is a public institution in charge of educational management, in which my role was to support the area that promotes school coexistence, precisely in projects to improve the school climate. A need identified in the Diagnostics competence was that the diagnosis made by a higher hierarchy institution considered general data from the region. Therefore, I proposed and carried out a local diagnosis: I developed an online test as an instrument for collecting information, the results of which, such as the need for guidance from parents on the behavior of teenagers, were considered to adapt the activities of the intervention. In the Intervention competition, I identified that the design was not clear regarding the objectives and the activities to be developed. Consequently, I made an intervention design proposal based on the logical framework tool. In addition, I developed audiovisual materials as part of the activities of said intervention. Finally, as part of the Evaluate competence, I identified as a need the use of the logical framework tool to set the indicators accurately and monitor the fulfillment of the objectives. The activity that I carried out was to formulate additional indicators and carry out the monitoring that provided information on the perception of the users regarding the audiovisual content prepared for the intervention.
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