Los módulos de autoaprendizaje Disfruto mi mundo entre libros como un recurso educativo para mejorar las capacidades de comprensión de lectura de los estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria de una institución educativa estatal deLima Metropolitana, en la modalidad de educación a distancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La lectura permite desarrollar las capacidades reflexivas y críticas del
estudiante, lo cual contribuye con su formación académica y personal, de ahí la
importancia de potenciar su aprendizaje y práctica. Sin embargo, en un aula de sexto
grado de primaria de una institución educativa pública de Lima Metropolitana, las
capacidades de comprensión lectora aún no están consolidadas, lo cual se complejiza
por la educación remota del 2020. En ese sentido, en esta investigación se plantea
como objetivo general: evaluar la efectividad de la implementación de los módulos de
autoaprendizaje denominados Disfruto mi mundo entre libros, para mejorar las
capacidades de comprensión de lectura de los estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria
de una institución educativa de Lima Metropolitana, en una modalidad de educación a
distancia. La metodología que permite alcanzar este objetivo es la investigaciónacción, la cual invita a la reflexión y la mejora continua del plan de acción
implementado con 15 niños. Para recopilar la información sobre este tema, se
emplean instrumentos de investigación como cuestionario, matriz de análisis
documental, el diario de campo y la prueba escrita. Y para el análisis de la información
se organiza en las siguientes categorías: el uso de los módulos de autoaprendizaje y
las capacidades de la comprensión. A partir de ello, el principal hallazgo es que los
niños logran afianzar las capacidades de comprensión literal, inferencial y criterial, lo
que lleva a afirmar que los módulos, unido con unidos al acompañamiento docente
acorde al ritmo de aprendizaje del estudiante, constituyen un recurso educativo
propicio para desarrollar capacidades en torno a la lectura y fomentar el aprendizaje
autónomo en la educación a distancia.
Reading allows developing the reflective and critical capacities of the students, which contributes to this academic and personal training, hence, the importance of enhancing their learning and practice. However, in the 6th grade primary classroom of the public educational institution of Metropolitan Lima, the reading comprehension skills are not consolidated yet, which is made more complex by the remote education of 2020. In this sense, the general objective of this investigation is to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of self-learning modules Disfruto mi mundo entre libros, to improve the reading comprehension skills of 6th grade students of a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima, in distance education modality. The methodology used to achieve this objective is action research, which invites reflection and continuous improvement of the action plan implemented with 15 children. To collect the information of this topic, research tools are questionnaire, document analysis matrix, field diary and written proof. Moreover, the analysis of this information is organized according to the following categories: the use of self-learning modules and the comprehension reading skills. From this, the main finding is that children manage to strengthen to capacities of literal, inferential and criterial comprehension, which leads to the affirmation that the self-learning modules, together with the teaching accompaniment according to the student’s pace of learning, it is an educational resource conductive to developing skills around reading and foment autonomous learning in a distance education.
Reading allows developing the reflective and critical capacities of the students, which contributes to this academic and personal training, hence, the importance of enhancing their learning and practice. However, in the 6th grade primary classroom of the public educational institution of Metropolitan Lima, the reading comprehension skills are not consolidated yet, which is made more complex by the remote education of 2020. In this sense, the general objective of this investigation is to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of self-learning modules Disfruto mi mundo entre libros, to improve the reading comprehension skills of 6th grade students of a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima, in distance education modality. The methodology used to achieve this objective is action research, which invites reflection and continuous improvement of the action plan implemented with 15 children. To collect the information of this topic, research tools are questionnaire, document analysis matrix, field diary and written proof. Moreover, the analysis of this information is organized according to the following categories: the use of self-learning modules and the comprehension reading skills. From this, the main finding is that children manage to strengthen to capacities of literal, inferential and criterial comprehension, which leads to the affirmation that the self-learning modules, together with the teaching accompaniment according to the student’s pace of learning, it is an educational resource conductive to developing skills around reading and foment autonomous learning in a distance education.
Palabras clave
Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Comprensión de lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Aprendizaje (Educación)--Metodología, Educación a distancia
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