Análisis de los principales factores que han contribuido en la implementación del programa Beca 18 para el acceso, permanencia y culminación de la educación superior de los jóvenes vulnerables, en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación es uno de los pilares más importantes a nivel mundial, al promover
oportunidades de aprendizaje y contribuir en el desarrollo integral del ser humano.
Sin embargo, la evidencia refleja la existencia de una brecha significativa de
inequidad y exclusión, principalmente en las poblaciones más vulnerables, con
diferencias lingüísticas provenientes de los sectores más marginados de nuestro
país. En ese sentido, surge importante establecer mecanismos que reflejen un
avance, en los grupos vulnerables a fin de que puedan tener acceso y permanencia
a una educación de calidad, siendo el programa Beca 18 una respuesta a la
necesidad de políticas inclusivas que contribuyen en el acceso, permanencia y
culminación de una educación superior.
En ese sentido, se busca analizar los principales factores que han contribuido en la
implementación del programa Beca 18 y como estas han cumplido las expectativas
y necesidades de los jóvenes estudiantes.
En ese orden de ideas, se parte de la siguiente pregunta general que enmarca la
presente investigación: ¿Cuáles han sido los principales factores que han
contribuido en la implementación del programa Beca 18 para el acceso,
permanencia y culminación de la educación superior de los jóvenes
vulnerables en Lima Metropolitana, para el periodo comprendido entre los
años 2016 al 2020?
Así también, mencionar que, la presente investigación utiliza una metodología
cualitativa que identifica como unidad de análisis a los jóvenes estudiantes de Lima
Metropolitana, docentes universitarios, funcionarios públicos y especialistas equipo
técnico que hace seguimiento al programa Beca 18, los cuales han proporcionado
información valiosa en la investigación.
Resaltar que se constata que el programa Beca 18, genera mejores oportunidades
para jóvenes vulnerables, en vista que fortalece estrategias efectivas para su
posicionamiento, difusión y atención de expectativas y necesidades. Sin embargo,
existen cosas por mejorar, en lo referido principalmente al acompañamiento
académico y emocional, así como el fomento de la diversidad cultural que disminuya
la deserción estudiantil.
Education is one of the most important pillars worldwide, promoting learning opportunities and contributing to the comprehensive development of human beings. However, the evidence reflects the existence of a significant gap of inequality and exclusion, mainly in the most vulnerable populations, with linguistic differences coming from the most marginalized sectors of our country. In this sense, it is important to establish mechanisms that reflect progress in vulnerable groups so that they can have access and permanence to quality education, with the Beca 18 program being a response to the need for inclusive policies that contribute to access, permanence and completion of higher education. In this sense, we seek to analyze the main factors that have contributed to the implementation of the Beca 18 program and how these have met the expectations and needs of young students. In this order of ideas, we start from the following general question that frames this research: What have been the main factors that have contributed to the implementation of the Beca 18 program for access, permanence and completion of higher education for young people? vulnerable in Metropolitan Lima, for the period between 2016 and 2020? Also, mention that this research uses a qualitative methodology that identifies as the unit of analysis the young students of Metropolitan Lima, university teachers, public officials and technical team specialists that monitor the Beca 18 program, which have provided valuable information. on the research. Highlight that it is confirmed that the Beca 18 program generates better opportunities for vulnerable young people, since it strengthens effective strategies for their positioning, dissemination and attention to expectations and needs. However, there are things to improve, mainly regarding academic and emotional support, as well as the promotion of cultural diversity that reduces student dropout.
Education is one of the most important pillars worldwide, promoting learning opportunities and contributing to the comprehensive development of human beings. However, the evidence reflects the existence of a significant gap of inequality and exclusion, mainly in the most vulnerable populations, with linguistic differences coming from the most marginalized sectors of our country. In this sense, it is important to establish mechanisms that reflect progress in vulnerable groups so that they can have access and permanence to quality education, with the Beca 18 program being a response to the need for inclusive policies that contribute to access, permanence and completion of higher education. In this sense, we seek to analyze the main factors that have contributed to the implementation of the Beca 18 program and how these have met the expectations and needs of young students. In this order of ideas, we start from the following general question that frames this research: What have been the main factors that have contributed to the implementation of the Beca 18 program for access, permanence and completion of higher education for young people? vulnerable in Metropolitan Lima, for the period between 2016 and 2020? Also, mention that this research uses a qualitative methodology that identifies as the unit of analysis the young students of Metropolitan Lima, university teachers, public officials and technical team specialists that monitor the Beca 18 program, which have provided valuable information. on the research. Highlight that it is confirmed that the Beca 18 program generates better opportunities for vulnerable young people, since it strengthens effective strategies for their positioning, dissemination and attention to expectations and needs. However, there are things to improve, mainly regarding academic and emotional support, as well as the promotion of cultural diversity that reduces student dropout.
Palabras clave
Educación y Estado--Perú, Programas sociales--Perú--Educación, Educación inclusiva--Perú
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