Proyecto de comunicación para el desarrollo : BICIble
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Actualmente, Lima (al igual que el resto del país) se encuentra en el contexto de la emergencia
sanitaria por causa del COVID-19, lo cual exige acelerar propuestas de movilidad sostenible
por parte del gobierno, pues según la información científica disponible, las centrales de
transporte público son focos de contagio. Ello ha significado un mayor impulso por promover
políticas públicas que promocionen el uso de la bicicleta como alternativa de transporte no
motorizado en la ciudadanía, pues sus características intrínsecas la vuelven segura ante el
Sin embargo, de acuerdo al diagnóstico de comunicación realizado, existe una percepción de
inseguridad de las y los ciudadanos con necesidad de trasladarse sobre usar la bicicleta como
medio de transporte seguro, debido a la ausencia de infraestructura ciclo inclusiva, falta de
información técnica de fácil alcance y el ecosistema vial urbano violento con respecto a los
vehículos no motorizados.
Ante ello, el presente Trabajo de Investigación tiene como objetivo promover en las y los
vecinos de Magdalena del Mar el uso de la bicicleta como una alternativa de transporte seguro,
brindando información técnica que facilite la toma de decisión, promoviendo el respeto de los
derechos del ciclista y acompañándolos con soportes digitales de consulta en su proceso de
cambio teniendo en cuenta las implicaciones de seguridad diferenciadas de su uso para mujeres
y varones.
Así, “BICIble” es un Trabajo de Investigación de Comunicación para el Desarrollo cuyos
campos de acción son las plataformas virtuales de Facebook e Instagram, teniendo como nicho
de ejecución el distrito de Magdalena del Mar. Con la colaboración del colectivo ciudadano “Magdalena Creativa”, “BICIble” logró posicionarse como un proyecto joven preocupado y
correctamente capacitado para la promoción del uso de la bicicleta como una alternativa
atractiva de transporte sostenible y la gestión de una comunidad digital multinivel que
congregue sociedad civil, empresa y Estado. Además de abrir espacios de diálogo y aprendizaje
virtuales dentro del distrito con notable sostenibilidad.
Finalmente, por su naturaleza virtual, aunque su focalización inicial es distrital, la visión del
Trabajo de Investigación es la expansión a nivel metropolitano de la propuesta debido al
alcance y acceso que brindan las redes sociales, lo cual permitiría conectar con diversos actores
en localidades diferentes a Magdalena del Mar.
Currently, Lima (like the rest of the country) is in the context of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, which requires accelerating proposals for sustainable mobility by the government, since according to available scientific information, public transport are sources of contagion. This has meant a greater impulse to promote public policies that promote the use of bicycles as an alternative to non-motorized transport among citizens. However, according to the communication diagnosis carried out, there is a perception of insecurity of citizens with the need to travel about using the bicycle as a safe means of transport, due to the absence of inclusive cycle infrastructure, lack of easy technical information reach and the violent urban road ecosystem respect to non-motorized vehicles. In view of this, this Research Work aims to promote in the Magdalena del Mar’s neighbors the use of bicycles as a safe transport alternative, providing technical information that facilitates decision-making, promoting respect for the rights of the cyclist and accompanying them with digital consultation supports in their change process, taking into account the differentiated safety implications of its use for women and men. Thus, "BICIble" is a Communication for Development Research Project whose fields of action are the virtual platforms of Facebook and Instagram, with the Magdalena del Mar district as the niche of execution. With the collaboration of the citizen collective "Magdalena Creativa", "BICIble" managed to position itself as a concerned and properly trained young project for the promotion of the use of bicycles as an attractive alternative for sustainable transport and the management of a multilevel digital community that brings together civil society, business and government. In addition, to opening virtual spaces for dialogue and learning within the district with notable sustainability. Finally, due to its virtual nature, although its initial focus is district, the vision of the Research Work is the expansion at the metropolitan level of the proposal due to the scope and access provided by social networks, which would allow connecting with various actors in different locations.
Currently, Lima (like the rest of the country) is in the context of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, which requires accelerating proposals for sustainable mobility by the government, since according to available scientific information, public transport are sources of contagion. This has meant a greater impulse to promote public policies that promote the use of bicycles as an alternative to non-motorized transport among citizens. However, according to the communication diagnosis carried out, there is a perception of insecurity of citizens with the need to travel about using the bicycle as a safe means of transport, due to the absence of inclusive cycle infrastructure, lack of easy technical information reach and the violent urban road ecosystem respect to non-motorized vehicles. In view of this, this Research Work aims to promote in the Magdalena del Mar’s neighbors the use of bicycles as a safe transport alternative, providing technical information that facilitates decision-making, promoting respect for the rights of the cyclist and accompanying them with digital consultation supports in their change process, taking into account the differentiated safety implications of its use for women and men. Thus, "BICIble" is a Communication for Development Research Project whose fields of action are the virtual platforms of Facebook and Instagram, with the Magdalena del Mar district as the niche of execution. With the collaboration of the citizen collective "Magdalena Creativa", "BICIble" managed to position itself as a concerned and properly trained young project for the promotion of the use of bicycles as an attractive alternative for sustainable transport and the management of a multilevel digital community that brings together civil society, business and government. In addition, to opening virtual spaces for dialogue and learning within the district with notable sustainability. Finally, due to its virtual nature, although its initial focus is district, the vision of the Research Work is the expansion at the metropolitan level of the proposal due to the scope and access provided by social networks, which would allow connecting with various actors in different locations.
Palabras clave
Ciclismo--Perú--Magdalena del Mar (Lima : Distrito), Tránsito urbano--Perú--Magdalena del Mar (Lima : Distrito), Política de transporte--Perú--Lima, Medios de transporte--Bicicletas--Promoción
Licencia Creative Commons
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