Poincaré duality in equivariant intersection theory
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este artículo estudiamos el homomorfismo de dualidad de Poincaré, el cual relaciona cohomología de Chow equivariante y grupos de Chow equivariante en aquellos casos donde un toro algebraico actúa sobre una variedad singular compacta y con puntos fijos aislados. Nuestros resultados proporcionan criterios bajo los cuales el homomorfismo de dualidadde Poincaré es un isomorfismo. Para ello, usamos el teorema de localización en cohomología de Chow equivariante y la noción de célula algebraica racional. Aplicamos nuestros resultados a las variedades esféricas compactas y sus generalizaciones.
We study the Poincaré duality map from equivariant Chow cohomology to equivariant Chow groups in the case of torus actions on complete, possibly singular, varieties with isolated fixed points. Our main results yield criteria for the Poincaré duality map to become an isomorphism in this setting. The methods rely on the localization theorem for equivariant Chow cohomology and the notion of algebraic rational cell. We apply our results to complete spherical varieties and their generalizations.
We study the Poincaré duality map from equivariant Chow cohomology to equivariant Chow groups in the case of torus actions on complete, possibly singular, varieties with isolated fixed points. Our main results yield criteria for the Poincaré duality map to become an isomorphism in this setting. The methods rely on the localization theorem for equivariant Chow cohomology and the notion of algebraic rational cell. We apply our results to complete spherical varieties and their generalizations.
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