Planeamiento estratégico para la industria peruana de cerámicos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El Planeamiento Estratégico de la Industria Peruana de Cerámicos se elaboró con el
propósito de proyectar a la industria al futuro para que alcance un crecimiento sostenido al
año 2028. Fue elaborado en función al Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico, propuesto
por D’Alessio (2015), que involucra analizar detalladamente la situación actual de la
industria a nivel global, regional y local, y en base a ello, proponer una misión, visión,
valores y código de ética. Asimismo, mediante un análisis de factores externos e internos de
la industria se identificaron sus oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades, que
permitieron establecer los intereses organizacionales y los objetivos de largo plazo, y a partir
de ello plantear estrategias que permitan alcanzar la visión planteada.
Se determinaron cinco objetivos de largo plazo que buscan: (a) incrementar las
exportaciones, a través del desarrollo de nuevos mercados y la penetración en los mercados
existentes; (b) incrementar las ventas en el mercado local, a través de acuerdos con
distribuidores para incentivar el uso de los productos de la industria para la autoconstrucción;
(c) mejorar el margen operativo, a través de la implementación de la cultura Total Productive
Manufacturing (TPM) y el sistema de cogeneración; (d) producir productos innovadores que
incluyan características funcionales; y, (e) obtener certificaciones medioambientales ISO
14001:2015 e 14045:2012 para asegurar el cuidado del medioambiente.
Los objetivos propuestos permitirán alcanzar la visión planteada para la industria, que
busca ingresar al Top 10 mundial de países exportadores de productos cerámicos, lo que le
permitirá obtener un crecimiento rentable y sostenible.
The Strategic Planning of the Peruvian Ceramic Industry was elaborated with the purpose of projecting the industry to the future so that it reaches a sustained growth by the year 2028. It was elaborated according to the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process, proposed by D'Alessio (2015), which involves analyzing in detail the current situation of the industry at a global, regional and local level, and based on it, proposing a mission, vision, values and code of ethics. Likewise, by means of an analysis of external and internal factors of the industry, their opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses were identified, which allowed to establish the organizational interests and the long-term objectives, and from that to propose strategies that allow reaching the proposed vision. Five long-term objectives were identified that seek: (a) increase exports, through the development of new markets and penetration in existing markets; (b) increase sales in the local market, through agreements with distributors to encourage the use of industry products for self-construction; (c) improve the operating margin, through the implementation of the Total Productive Manufacturing (TPM) culture and the cogeneration system; (d) produce innovative products that include functional characteristics; and, (e) obtain environmental certifications ISO 14001: 2015 and 14045: 2012 to ensure the care of the environment. The proposed objectives will allow achieving the vision set for the industry, which seeks to enter the world Top 10 of countries exporting ceramic products, which will allow you to obtain a profitable and sustainable growth.
The Strategic Planning of the Peruvian Ceramic Industry was elaborated with the purpose of projecting the industry to the future so that it reaches a sustained growth by the year 2028. It was elaborated according to the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process, proposed by D'Alessio (2015), which involves analyzing in detail the current situation of the industry at a global, regional and local level, and based on it, proposing a mission, vision, values and code of ethics. Likewise, by means of an analysis of external and internal factors of the industry, their opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses were identified, which allowed to establish the organizational interests and the long-term objectives, and from that to propose strategies that allow reaching the proposed vision. Five long-term objectives were identified that seek: (a) increase exports, through the development of new markets and penetration in existing markets; (b) increase sales in the local market, through agreements with distributors to encourage the use of industry products for self-construction; (c) improve the operating margin, through the implementation of the Total Productive Manufacturing (TPM) culture and the cogeneration system; (d) produce innovative products that include functional characteristics; and, (e) obtain environmental certifications ISO 14001: 2015 and 14045: 2012 to ensure the care of the environment. The proposed objectives will allow achieving the vision set for the industry, which seeks to enter the world Top 10 of countries exporting ceramic products, which will allow you to obtain a profitable and sustainable growth.
Palabras clave
Materiales cerámicos--Perú, Cerámica industrial--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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