Mercado laboral e intervención del estado : 1986-1992
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el funcionamiento del mercado de trabajo en relación al cambio institucional operado en el sector laboral luego de Agosto de 1990. Se trata de explicar la evolución del empleo y de la remuneración real promedio en la gran empresa de Lima Metropolitana en el periodo previo y posterior a las reformas.
El periodo a trabajar es Abril de 1986 a Octubre de 1992, durante el cual ha habido cambios en la legislación laboral junto con una caída sensible del salario real y del nivel de empleo a partir de 1988. Consideramos que es importante realizar este análisis por cuanto es necesario evaluar si la “flexibilización” del mercado laboral ha llevado a un cambio en su funcionamiento, tal como se pretende con las medidas tomadas hasta este momento. Una visión resumida del cambio en la legislación laboral se presenta en la segunda sección de este trabajo.
How the labour market operates given the institutional changes in the labour sector after August 1990. An attempt is made to explain the evolution of employment and average real wages in large companies in Metropolitan Lima ibefore and after the reforms. This work focuses on the period between April 1986 and October 1992 when major changes were made to labor laws, simultaneously with a significant drop in real wages and employment already underway since 1988.This analysis is significant as it seeks to establish whether the “flexible” labour market created by those reforms eventually led to changes in the way it operates, as pretended by the measures taken until then. The second sectionbs presents a summary vision of changes in labour laws.
How the labour market operates given the institutional changes in the labour sector after August 1990. An attempt is made to explain the evolution of employment and average real wages in large companies in Metropolitan Lima ibefore and after the reforms. This work focuses on the period between April 1986 and October 1992 when major changes were made to labor laws, simultaneously with a significant drop in real wages and employment already underway since 1988.This analysis is significant as it seeks to establish whether the “flexible” labour market created by those reforms eventually led to changes in the way it operates, as pretended by the measures taken until then. The second sectionbs presents a summary vision of changes in labour laws.
Palabras clave
Mercado de trabajo--Perú--1986-1992, Empleo--Perú--1986-1992
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