¿Los influencers deben ser responsables por infracciones al principio de autenticidad?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Al hacer un análisis exhaustivo a la Guía de Publicidad para Influencers,
publicada en el año 2019 por el Indecopi, encontramos que existen deficiencias
al asignarle responsabilidades a los mismos. En efecto, en la Guía de Publicidad
para Influencers se establece expresamente que, estos van a ser responsables
por el incumplimiento de lo establecido tanto en normas de difusión (principio de
legalidad) como por la vulneración al principio de autenticidad, regulados en la
Ley de Represión de competencia Desleal.
No obstante lo anteriormente expuesto, la autora considera que, los Influencers
serán responsables por vulnerar el principio de autenticidad solo si actúan como
anunciantes, al no especificar que se trata de publicidad o al realizar publicidad
en la que el consumidor no pueda advertir que lo publicitado y/o sugerido se trate
efectivamente de publicidad. Por consiguiente, si actúan como medio de
comunicación o agencia de publicidad no serán responsables por vulnerar el
principio de autenticidad, sino la asignación de responsabilidad se hará al
margen de la ley, según corresponda.
When making an exhaustive analysis of the Advertising Guide for Influencers, published in 2019 by Indecopi, we found that there are deficiencies when assigning responsibilities to them. In fact, the Advertising Guide for Influencers expressly establishes that they will be responsible for breaching the provisions of both dissemination regulations (principle of legality) and for breaching the principle of authenticity, regulated by the Law on Suppression of unfair competition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the author considers that Influencers will be responsible for violating the principle of authenticity only if they act as advertisers, by not specifying that it is advertising or by carrying out advertising in which the consumer cannot notice that what is advertised and/or suggested that it is actually advertising. Therefore, if you act as a media or advertising agency, you will not be responsible for violating the principle of authenticity, but the defense of responsibility will be made outside the law, as appropriate.
When making an exhaustive analysis of the Advertising Guide for Influencers, published in 2019 by Indecopi, we found that there are deficiencies when assigning responsibilities to them. In fact, the Advertising Guide for Influencers expressly establishes that they will be responsible for breaching the provisions of both dissemination regulations (principle of legality) and for breaching the principle of authenticity, regulated by the Law on Suppression of unfair competition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the author considers that Influencers will be responsible for violating the principle of authenticity only if they act as advertisers, by not specifying that it is advertising or by carrying out advertising in which the consumer cannot notice that what is advertised and/or suggested that it is actually advertising. Therefore, if you act as a media or advertising agency, you will not be responsible for violating the principle of authenticity, but the defense of responsibility will be made outside the law, as appropriate.
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