Modelo prolab: 3B-APP una solución para aprovechar los productos con valor comercial reducido
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En Perú existen 535 mil bodegas con una facturación anual de US$ 2 mil millones,
de las cuales el 41% está en Lima y el 59% en provincias, siendo las mermas, que son los
productos que perdieron su valor comercial, productos próximos a vencerse y sobre stock, el
principal problema que más afecta a las bodegas (Asociación de Bodegueros del Perú [ABP],
2020), este fenómeno ha ido incrementándose cada año, lo que está generando un impacto
negativo en los bolsillos de los bodegueros.
En la presente tesis se presenta una alternativa para reducir las mermas en las
bodegas del Perú, esta solución resulta innovadora ya que actualmente en Perú no existe una
plataforma digital que se dedique a vender estos productos de los bodegueros. En esta
plataforma se registrarán los dueños de bodegas a un costo mensual de suscripción para que
puedan ofrecer estos productos a menor precio, y por otro lado tendrán acceso las personas
que deseen comprar estos productos.
La viabilidad económica de la tesis se planteará en cinco años, para ello se destinará
un capital inicial de S/781,100 para 240,000 bodegas que tendrá como resultado un VAN de
S/ 4,050,887. En cuanto al aspecto social, esta solución impacta de manera directa a la ODS
12 (producción y consumo sostenible) y la ODS 13 (acción por el clima), contribuyendo
especialmente con la disminución de residuos sólidos por mermas, baja emanación de CO2 y
metano por la descomposición de estos componentes.
According to the Association of Winemakers of Peru (ABP) there are 535,000 wineries with an annual turnover of US$ 2 billion, of which 41% are in Lima and 59% in the provinces, with losses (products that have lost their value commercial, products about to expire and overstock) the main problem that most affects wineries, this phenomenon has been increasing every year, which is producing a negative impact on the pockets of winemakers. In this thesis an alternative is presented to reduce the losses in the wineries of Peru, this solution is innovative since currently in Peru there is no digital platform dedicated to selling these products from the winemakers. Warehouse owners will register on this platform at a monthly subscription cost so that they can offer these products at a lower price, and on the other hand, people who wish to buy these products will have access. The economic viability of the thesis will be considered in five years with an initial investment of S/781,100, for 240,000 wineries, which will result in a NPV of S/ 4,050,887. Regarding the social aspect, this solution has a direct impact on SDG 12 (sustainable production and consumption) and SDG 13 (climate action), contributing especially to the reduction of solid waste due to waste, reduction of CO2 emissions and methane from the generation of these residues.
According to the Association of Winemakers of Peru (ABP) there are 535,000 wineries with an annual turnover of US$ 2 billion, of which 41% are in Lima and 59% in the provinces, with losses (products that have lost their value commercial, products about to expire and overstock) the main problem that most affects wineries, this phenomenon has been increasing every year, which is producing a negative impact on the pockets of winemakers. In this thesis an alternative is presented to reduce the losses in the wineries of Peru, this solution is innovative since currently in Peru there is no digital platform dedicated to selling these products from the winemakers. Warehouse owners will register on this platform at a monthly subscription cost so that they can offer these products at a lower price, and on the other hand, people who wish to buy these products will have access. The economic viability of the thesis will be considered in five years with an initial investment of S/781,100, for 240,000 wineries, which will result in a NPV of S/ 4,050,887. Regarding the social aspect, this solution has a direct impact on SDG 12 (sustainable production and consumption) and SDG 13 (climate action), contributing especially to the reduction of solid waste due to waste, reduction of CO2 emissions and methane from the generation of these residues.
Negocios--Planificación, Bodegas, Servicios digitales, Dispositivos móviles--Aplicaciones
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