La gestión del libro de reclamaciones como herramienta de administración adecuada al negocio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación realizada en el presente artículo académico cuestiona el uso
común del libro de reclamaciones, que no es valorado por parte de la gestión de
proveedores y se convierte en una interrogante sobre su verdadera finalidad para
los consumidores.
Es de palparse en la realidad donde vivimos que, los proveedores dejan escapar
de sus manos una herramienta muy útil que puede poner fin a un conflicto si la
usan correctamente; por tanto, puede ser el libro de reclamaciones un aliado de
gestión que brinde gran apoyo a los proveedores y consumidores.
En el mercado, se mantiene una posición un tanto arisca a esta herramienta y
algunos consumidores no saben exactamente cómo funciona o qué es lo que
pasa cuando ingresan su reclamo; por lo que, a través del presente plan de
investigación, se busca proporcionar al lector orientaciones para que puedan
identificar la utilidad, aplicación, variaciones, beneficios, además del cambio y
relevancia que tomó el derecho al reclamo dentro de un escenario de emergencia
que se recorrió y las orientaciones que nos dejó.
Asimismo, se aclara las razones de la existencia del libro de reclamaciones, la
notabilidad que toma su correcto manejo y la disposición de este en el formato
que corresponda. De este modo, tratamos de llegar a una conclusión en base a
que el libro de reclamaciones debe ser usado como una herramienta de
administración adecuada en el mercado a través de la actuación de los agentes
This research conducted in this academic article questions the everyday use of the claim book, which is a special book that we use in countries to exercise our right to claim and is not valued by supplier management and service provider so becomes a question mark as to its true purpose for consumers. There is no escaping the fact that our lives are full of examples of providers letting slip a valuable resource that can put an end to a conflict if used correctly. The claim book can therefore be a management ally that can be of significant help to providers as well as consumers. The market maintains a somewhat hostile position towards this tool. Some consumers do not know precisely how it works or what happens when they file a claim. So, we seek to provide guidelines for the reader so that they can identify the usefulness, applications, variations, benefits, changes, and relevance that are taking place within the context of the recent global crisis. Furthermore, we explain the reasons for the existence of the claim book, as well as the significance of its correct handling and its disposition in the corresponding format; thus, we attempt to reach a conclusion because it must be used by economic agents as an appropriate management tool in the market.
This research conducted in this academic article questions the everyday use of the claim book, which is a special book that we use in countries to exercise our right to claim and is not valued by supplier management and service provider so becomes a question mark as to its true purpose for consumers. There is no escaping the fact that our lives are full of examples of providers letting slip a valuable resource that can put an end to a conflict if used correctly. The claim book can therefore be a management ally that can be of significant help to providers as well as consumers. The market maintains a somewhat hostile position towards this tool. Some consumers do not know precisely how it works or what happens when they file a claim. So, we seek to provide guidelines for the reader so that they can identify the usefulness, applications, variations, benefits, changes, and relevance that are taking place within the context of the recent global crisis. Furthermore, we explain the reasons for the existence of the claim book, as well as the significance of its correct handling and its disposition in the corresponding format; thus, we attempt to reach a conclusion because it must be used by economic agents as an appropriate management tool in the market.
Palabras clave
Protección del consumidor--Perú, Administración de negocios--Perú, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020- --Perú
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