Análisis de los factores limitantes en la implementación del proyecto de alpacas en la comunidad José Carlos Mariátegui – Incahuasi – Lambayeque : Setiembre 2016 – diciembre 2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación surge de la realidad de comunidades de zonas rurales de la sierra del
departamento de Lambayeque, quienes por sus factores sociodemográficos, se sienten
olvidadas y en oportunidades con el pensamiento que son utilizadas para el
cumplimiento de temas políticos de inclusión y desarrollo social por parte del Estado a
través de proyectos que no llegan a tener el resultado esperado; predominado por la
falta de conocimiento de las verdaderas necesidades de las comunidades.
Por ello, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es describir los factores limitantes en la
implementación del proyecto de alpacas en la comunidad José Carlos Mariátegui –
Incahuasi – Lambayeque, mediante el análisis de la información a partir de encuestas,
entrevistas y focus group, para proponer medios de mejora que fortalezcan la
implementación de futuros proyectos en la comunidad.
El primer paso fue identificar la problemática y sentir de la comunidad con respecto al
proyecto de alpacas desarrollado, a través de la aplicación de focus group a los jefes de
familia partícipes en el proyecto, entrevistas a quienes estuvieron a cargo del proyecto
y encuestas a algunos pobladores de la comunidad; posteriormente se realizó el estudio
de Casos exitosos de comunidades aledañas para identificar factores de éxito en
La investigación realizada manifiesta que una comunidad con falta de solidez en la
organización de las personas no presenta la base necesaria para implementar un
proyecto; la comunidad José Carlos Mariátegui presenta desorganización, escaso
conocimiento en capacidades técnico - productivas en tema de alpaca, débil trabajo en
equipo, poco sentido de pertenencia.
Surge esta propuesta de fortalecimiento con una visión asociativa integral, que une a los
pobladores, organiza el trabajo y lo canaliza hacia un objetivo determinado como factor
indispensable a las relaciones sociales, gestión administrativa y apoyo del Estado, para
la sostenibilidad y éxito de los proyectos.
This research arises from the reality of communities in rural areas of the Sierra de Lambayeque department, who for their sociodemographic factors, feel forgotten and in opportunities with the thought that are used for compliance with political issues of inclusion and social development by of the State through projects that do not have the expected result; dominated by the lack of knowledge of the real needs of the communities. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to describe the limiting factors in the implementation of the alpacas project in the José Carlos Mariátegui - Incahuasi - Lambayeque community, through the analysis of the information from surveys, interviews and focus group, to propose means of improvement that strengthen the implementation of future projects in the community. The first step was to identify the problems and feelings of the community regarding the alpacas project developed, through the application of focus group to the family heads involved in the project, interviews with those in charge of the project and surveys of some residents of the community; Afterwards, successful case studies of neighboring communities were conducted to identify success factors in projects. The research carried out shows that a community with a lack of solidity in the organization of people does not present the necessary basis to implement a project; the José Carlos Mariátegui community presents disorganization, little knowledge in technical-productive capacities in alpaca issues, weak teamwork, little sense of belonging. This proposal of strengthening arises with an integral associative vision, that unites the inhabitants, organizes the work and channels it towards a determined objective as an indispensable factor to the social relations, administrative management and support of the State, for the sustainability and success of the projects.
This research arises from the reality of communities in rural areas of the Sierra de Lambayeque department, who for their sociodemographic factors, feel forgotten and in opportunities with the thought that are used for compliance with political issues of inclusion and social development by of the State through projects that do not have the expected result; dominated by the lack of knowledge of the real needs of the communities. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to describe the limiting factors in the implementation of the alpacas project in the José Carlos Mariátegui - Incahuasi - Lambayeque community, through the analysis of the information from surveys, interviews and focus group, to propose means of improvement that strengthen the implementation of future projects in the community. The first step was to identify the problems and feelings of the community regarding the alpacas project developed, through the application of focus group to the family heads involved in the project, interviews with those in charge of the project and surveys of some residents of the community; Afterwards, successful case studies of neighboring communities were conducted to identify success factors in projects. The research carried out shows that a community with a lack of solidity in the organization of people does not present the necessary basis to implement a project; the José Carlos Mariátegui community presents disorganization, little knowledge in technical-productive capacities in alpaca issues, weak teamwork, little sense of belonging. This proposal of strengthening arises with an integral associative vision, that unites the inhabitants, organizes the work and channels it towards a determined objective as an indispensable factor to the social relations, administrative management and support of the State, for the sustainability and success of the projects.