Vínculos a través de la tela: La propuesta creativa y la realización del proyecto audiovisual “Zurcir” desde la dirección de arte
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde la dirección de arte, es posible trabajar con tonos, colores, objetos y texturas para poder
expresar la emociones y conflictos de los personajes. En el cortometraje “Zurcir”, a través de
la puesta en escena, se narra la historia de Julio, cuyo sueño de ser un actor de teatro queda en
el olvido al enfrentarse constantemente a la dura realidad que conlleva esta elección vocacional.
Es gracias a su padre que puede reencontrarse nuevamente con deseo. El presente trabajo busca
explicar cómo, desde la propuesta de arte, se construye y refuerza una historia sobre un vínculo
familiar y la recuperación de los sueños. Por un lado, se pretende desarrollar cómo se construyó
el traje de Hamlet para que este consolidará la recuperación de un sueño. Por otro lado, se
analiza cómo el vestuario permite conocer el mundo interno de los personajes. Además, se
busca mostrar cómo la escenografía permite establecer una atmósfera apropiada para poder
transmitir el vínculo padre e hijo. De esta manera, se considera que la dirección de arte para
esta producción colabora con las distintas áreas para traer a la vida la esencia del guion.
From art direction, it is possible to work with tones, colors, objects and textures in order to express the emotions and conflicts of the characters. In the short film "Zurcir", through the staging, the story of Julio is told, whose dream of being a theater actor is forgotten as he constantly faces the harsh reality that this vocational choice entails. It is thanks to his father that he can meet again with desire. The present work seeks to explain how, from the art proposal, a story about a family bond and the recovery of dreams is built and reinforced. On the one hand, it is intended to develop how Hamlet's costume was built so that it will consolidate the recovery of a dream. On the other hand, it is analyzed how the wardrobe allows to know the internal world of the characters. In addition, it will seeks to show how the scenery allows to establish an appropriate atmosphere to be able to transmit the father and son bond. In this way, it is considered that the art direction for this production collaborates with the different areas to bring to life the essence of the script.
From art direction, it is possible to work with tones, colors, objects and textures in order to express the emotions and conflicts of the characters. In the short film "Zurcir", through the staging, the story of Julio is told, whose dream of being a theater actor is forgotten as he constantly faces the harsh reality that this vocational choice entails. It is thanks to his father that he can meet again with desire. The present work seeks to explain how, from the art proposal, a story about a family bond and the recovery of dreams is built and reinforced. On the one hand, it is intended to develop how Hamlet's costume was built so that it will consolidate the recovery of a dream. On the other hand, it is analyzed how the wardrobe allows to know the internal world of the characters. In addition, it will seeks to show how the scenery allows to establish an appropriate atmosphere to be able to transmit the father and son bond. In this way, it is considered that the art direction for this production collaborates with the different areas to bring to life the essence of the script.
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