Diagnóstico sobre la generación de valor compartido en las empresas líderes productores productoras de plásticos en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación busca hacer un diagnóstico sobre el Estado
de la Generación de Valor Compartido a través de Prácticas Ecoeficientes en tres
Empresas Productoras de Plástico en Colombia, el enfoque sobre Valor Compartido fue
motivado por Centrum Católica Business School y se seleccionaron tres empresas de
este Sector debido al impacto que tiene el Plástico en el medioambiente.
La población identificada fue de 20 principales empresas del sector de Plástico
en Colombia, donde tres de las empresas atendieron la invitación a participar en el
estudio, siendo estas de tamaños diversos en nivel de Activos, una grande, otra mediana
y otra pequeña. Para recolectar la información se aplicó un instrumento orientado a
identificar las prácticas ecoeficientes en cada una de las compañías encuestadas, en un
periodo de tiempo comprendido entre los años 2012 al 2015 y una entrevista al CEO o
al ejecutivo designado por la empresa, por lo anterior el diseño de la investigación se
definió de tipo cualitativo, descriptivo y transeccional.
En los hallazgos del presente trabajo, se pudo observar que el Estado de la
Generación de Valor Compartido a través de Prácticas Ecoeficientes no es homogéneo,
la empresa de mayor tamaño presenta un avance importante en relación con la
aplicación de prácticas ecoeficientes, las otras dos empresas de menor tamaño, aunque
han iniciado el ajuste de sus procesos aún tienen un escaso avance en prácticas
ecoeficientes, por lo tanto, el estado de aplicación de Valor Compartido también es
escaso. Dentro de las principales recomendaciones para las tres empresas, en especial
para las de menor tamaño se ha planteado la necesidad de definir un portafolio de
proyectos orientado con las mejores prácticas de ecoeficiencia, que incluya indicadores
claves, haciendo énfasis en los proyectos de mayor relevancia para la generación de
Valor Compartido
The present research work seeks to make a diagnosis about the State of Shared Value Generation through Eco-efficient Practices in three Plastic Production Companies in Colombia, the Focus on Shared Value was motivated by Centrum Católica Business School and three companies were selected from this Sector, due to the impact that Plastic has on the environment. The identified population was of 20 main companies of the Plastic sector in Colombia, where three of the companies attended the invitation to participate in the study, being these of diverse sizes of assets, one large, one medium and a small one. In order to collect the information, an instrument was developed to identify eco-efficient practices in each of the companies surveyed, in a period of time between the years 2012 to 2015 and an interview with the CEO or the executive appointed by the company, the research design was defined as qualitative, descriptive and transectional. In the findings of the present study, it was observed that the State of Shared Value Generation through Eco-efficient Practices is not homogeneous. The larger enterprise presents an important advance in relation to the application of eco-efficient practices, the other two companies although they have begun to adjust their processes, they still have little progress in eco-efficient practices, therefore the status of Value- Sharing application is also scarce. Among the main recommendations for the three companies, especially for the smaller ones, the need to define a portfolio of projects guided by the best eco-efficiency practices, including key indicators, with emphasis on the most relevant projects for The generation of Shared Value
The present research work seeks to make a diagnosis about the State of Shared Value Generation through Eco-efficient Practices in three Plastic Production Companies in Colombia, the Focus on Shared Value was motivated by Centrum Católica Business School and three companies were selected from this Sector, due to the impact that Plastic has on the environment. The identified population was of 20 main companies of the Plastic sector in Colombia, where three of the companies attended the invitation to participate in the study, being these of diverse sizes of assets, one large, one medium and a small one. In order to collect the information, an instrument was developed to identify eco-efficient practices in each of the companies surveyed, in a period of time between the years 2012 to 2015 and an interview with the CEO or the executive appointed by the company, the research design was defined as qualitative, descriptive and transectional. In the findings of the present study, it was observed that the State of Shared Value Generation through Eco-efficient Practices is not homogeneous. The larger enterprise presents an important advance in relation to the application of eco-efficient practices, the other two companies although they have begun to adjust their processes, they still have little progress in eco-efficient practices, therefore the status of Value- Sharing application is also scarce. Among the main recommendations for the three companies, especially for the smaller ones, the need to define a portfolio of projects guided by the best eco-efficiency practices, including key indicators, with emphasis on the most relevant projects for The generation of Shared Value
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