Investigaciones arqueológicas en Catalina Huanca, un asentamiento de la sociedad Lima del Horizonte Medio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Se presenta una introducción del sitio Catalina Huanca así como los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en los Montículos 6 y 7 durante los años 2006-2008. Tales intervenciones nos han permitido identicar el desarrollo de procesos políticos locales. Así, alrededor del año 550 d.C., la sociedad Lima inicia la construcción planicada de un extenso centro público en el valle medio del Rímac, el cual implicó una enorme inversión de trabajo y organización. El análisis de la secuencia arquitectónica del Montículo 7 nos indica que durante un trascurso de 150 años, los edicios del asentamiento fueron renovados continuamente, reproduciendo las plantas arquitectónicas originales y por lo tanto los mismos principios que sustentaban la ideología del poder local. Luego, hacia los años 700-750 d.C. los edicios son sepultados y abandonados tras eventos de sacricios humanos, después de lo cual se registran gruesos estratos de limo.A partir del 750 d.C. uno de los montículos del asentamiento (Montículo 6) es reutilizado como cementerio de una población cuya cultura material se encuentra asociada al fenómeno wari.
This work introduces the site of Catalina Huanca and presents the results of research conducted on its Monticulos 6 and 7 between 2006-2008. Archaeological intervention has permitted the identication of the scope of local politicalprocesses that developed there in prehistory. Around 550 AD, Lima society began the planned construction of this extensive public center in the middle Rimac Valley, representing an enormous investment of work and organization. An analysis of the architectural sequence of Monticulo 7 has illustrated that during the course of 150 years, the settlement’s buldings were continually renovated, reproducing original architectural schematics and therefore the same ideological principles that sustained local power. Later, towards 700-750 AD, the site’s buldings were buried and abandoned following a number of human sacrices, above which was recorded a thick strata of silt. After 750 AD, one of the mounds of the settlement (Monticulo 6) was reutilized as a cemetery for a population whose material culture was found to be associated with the Huari phenomenon.
This work introduces the site of Catalina Huanca and presents the results of research conducted on its Monticulos 6 and 7 between 2006-2008. Archaeological intervention has permitted the identication of the scope of local politicalprocesses that developed there in prehistory. Around 550 AD, Lima society began the planned construction of this extensive public center in the middle Rimac Valley, representing an enormous investment of work and organization. An analysis of the architectural sequence of Monticulo 7 has illustrated that during the course of 150 years, the settlement’s buldings were continually renovated, reproducing original architectural schematics and therefore the same ideological principles that sustained local power. Later, towards 700-750 AD, the site’s buldings were buried and abandoned following a number of human sacrices, above which was recorded a thick strata of silt. After 750 AD, one of the mounds of the settlement (Monticulo 6) was reutilized as a cemetery for a population whose material culture was found to be associated with the Huari phenomenon.
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