Buenas prácticas en la gestión del riesgo cambiario y el impacto en su value at risk (VaR) como parte de la gestión integral de riesgos de los casos de: Ferreycorp S.A.A: Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A; Luz del Sur S.A.A. y Enel Generación Perú S.A.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En un país donde las empresas están expuestas a una serie de riesgos determinados, la
Gestión de Riesgos Integral ha tomado cada vez mayor importancia en las organizaciones y
es fundamental a la hora de definir su estrategia. De allí la necesidad de implementar un
sistema integral de riesgo, y así estar mejor preparada para responder rápida, uniforme y
eficientemente a los desafíos que asume. Como parte de esos riesgos, se encuentra el riesgo
cambiario. De acuerdo con informes recientes, el riesgo cambiario es uno de los riesgos más
resaltantes en las empresas debido al fenómeno de la globalización, donde las empresas en la
búsqueda de ampliar sus relaciones comerciales se ven expuestas a este tipo de riesgo,
generando una disminución en sus estados de resultados. En función a estos factores, se
generó la necesidad de mitigar y controlar este tipo de riesgo que actualmente conviven con
todas las empresas. Entre las acciones tomadas, se destaca la priorización de identificar las
buenas prácticas del riesgo cambiario como parte del riesgo integral, enfocado en las
empresas no financieras.
Dada la relevancia y la incipiente investigación respecto a esta temática en nuestro
mercado, se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo, cuyo objetivo central es
identificar las buenas prácticas en la gestión del riesgo cambiario y el impacto en su Value at
Risk (VaR) como parte de la gestión integral de riesgos de las empresas listadas en la Bolsa
de Valores de Lima durante el periodo 2011-2017. Los casos de: Ferreycorp S.A.A;
Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A; Luz del Sur S.A.A. y Enel Generación Perú S.A.A.
Dada la naturaleza del problema de investigación, la metodología presenta un enfoque
cualitativo, donde se utiliza la recolección de datos a través de entrevistas realizadas a
representantes gerenciales de cada empresa, para luego conjuntamente ser usado con el
análisis e interpretación de los resultados y así responder a las preguntas del presente trabajo,
además se realizó la medición del riesgo cambiario a través del Value at Risk (VaR), que es una metodología para medir el valor del riesgo, logrando obtener a través de este método la
máxima pérdida que se pueda generar en un horizonte de tiempo determinado y a un nivel de
confianza dado.
Los resultados de la investigación mostraron que las buenas prácticas de gestión del
riesgo cambiario que realizaron las empresas les permitió mejorar su posición de diferencia
de cambio el cual les llevó a que, en la mayoría de los años del periodo analizado, estuvieran
dentro del parámetro de pérdida máxima determinada por su Value at Risk (VaR).
In a country where companies are exposed to a series of certain risks, Comprehensive Risk Management has increasingly taken a bigger importance in organizations and is key when deciding over their strategy. That is why there is the need to implement a comprehensive risk system and so, be better prepared to be able of responding in a faster, balanced and efficient manner in front of challenges. As part of those risks is the exchange risk. According to recent reports, the exchange risk is one of the most outstanding risks in companies, due to globalization, where companies are exposed to this type of risk when looking to expand their commercial relationships, which in turn, produces a reduction in their income statements. In accordance with these factors, it was generated the need to mitigate and control this type of risk, which every company has to live with nowadays. Among actions taken, it can be noted the prioritization of identifying good practices from exchange risk as part of the comprehensive risk, focused in non-financial companies. Taking into consideration the importance and the emerging research regarding this matter in our market, here are presented results from a descriptive study, which main objective is identifying good practices in the exchange risk management and the impact in its Value at Risk (VaR) as part of the comprehensive risk management from companies listed in the Stock Market from Lima during the 2011-2017 period. Cases of: Ferreycorp S.A.A; Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A; Luz del Sur S.A.A. and Enel Generación Perú S.A.A. Given the nature of the research problem, the methodology presents a qualitative approach, where data compilation is used from interviews made to managers from each company, so it can later be used along with the analysis and interpretation of results and so, answer questions in this work. Also, the exchange risk was measured by using the Value at Risk (VaR), which is a methodology to measure the risk value, and so obtaining the maximum loss that can be generated in a determined time horizon and at a certain trust level. Research results showed that good exchange risk practices performed by companies, allowed them to improve their exchange difference position, which led them to be within the maximum loss parameter determined by their Value at Risk (VaR), in most of years from the period analysed.
In a country where companies are exposed to a series of certain risks, Comprehensive Risk Management has increasingly taken a bigger importance in organizations and is key when deciding over their strategy. That is why there is the need to implement a comprehensive risk system and so, be better prepared to be able of responding in a faster, balanced and efficient manner in front of challenges. As part of those risks is the exchange risk. According to recent reports, the exchange risk is one of the most outstanding risks in companies, due to globalization, where companies are exposed to this type of risk when looking to expand their commercial relationships, which in turn, produces a reduction in their income statements. In accordance with these factors, it was generated the need to mitigate and control this type of risk, which every company has to live with nowadays. Among actions taken, it can be noted the prioritization of identifying good practices from exchange risk as part of the comprehensive risk, focused in non-financial companies. Taking into consideration the importance and the emerging research regarding this matter in our market, here are presented results from a descriptive study, which main objective is identifying good practices in the exchange risk management and the impact in its Value at Risk (VaR) as part of the comprehensive risk management from companies listed in the Stock Market from Lima during the 2011-2017 period. Cases of: Ferreycorp S.A.A; Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A; Luz del Sur S.A.A. and Enel Generación Perú S.A.A. Given the nature of the research problem, the methodology presents a qualitative approach, where data compilation is used from interviews made to managers from each company, so it can later be used along with the analysis and interpretation of results and so, answer questions in this work. Also, the exchange risk was measured by using the Value at Risk (VaR), which is a methodology to measure the risk value, and so obtaining the maximum loss that can be generated in a determined time horizon and at a certain trust level. Research results showed that good exchange risk practices performed by companies, allowed them to improve their exchange difference position, which led them to be within the maximum loss parameter determined by their Value at Risk (VaR), in most of years from the period analysed.
Palabras clave
Planificación financiera, Producción--Administración