Análisis de la capacidad de los programas de promoción de emprendimientos para actuar como política pública para la generación de medios de vida de poblaciones vulnerables. Análisis comparativo de casos: programa emprende seguro Ecuador y Perú de la organización internacional del trabajo (OIT)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el contexto de la reducción del empleo dependiente formal como resultado
de la desaceleración económica mundial, la presente investigación se enfoca
en el análisisde la promoción de emprendimientos, como instrumento de
política para la generación de ingresos de poblaciones en contexto de
vulnerabilidad laboral.
Es así que, la investigación tiene como objetivo proponer recomendaciones
para la implementación de programas y políticas públicas alternativas a la
generación de empleo dependiente, que contribuyan con la estabilización
económica de poblaciones con mayores brechas de acceso al mercado de
trabajo por medios tradicionales de inserción.
Se analiza el programa Emprende Seguro de Ecuador y Perú de la
Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). El programa Emprende Seguro
fue implementado en el periodo de marzo de 2020 a febrero de 2021, y estuvo
focalizadoen la promoción de emprendimientos de nacionales (ecuatorianos
y peruanos) vulnerables y de refugiados y migrantes.
En el caso de Perú, Emprende Seguro fue ejecutado en conjunto con el
Ministerio deTrabajo y Promoción del Empleo (MTPE). En el caso de Ecuador
fue implementado en coordinación con las Agencias de Desarrollo
Económico Local, adscritas a los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados.
A lo largo de esta investigación, se evalúan las fortalezas y brechas del
modelo de intervención del programa Emprende Seguro. También se
evalúan los elementos normativos y de contexto diferenciados por cada país
de intervención que incidieron sobre su implementación. Este análisis ha demostrado que los emprendimientos son una alternativa
eficiente de generación de ingresos para poblaciones en contexto de
vulnerabilidad laboral, yaque han contribuido con la superación del umbral de
recesión económica extrema en el que se encontraban antes de iniciar sus
Sin embargo, la sostenibilidad de los efectos inmediatos del modelo sobre
losingresos de sus egresados requiere de la intervención de elementos de
contexto y deacciones transversales por parte de las organizaciones que
promueven estos programas. Las acciones mencionadas deberán ir
orientadas a mitigar los elementosde vulnerabilidad y brechas del contexto
normativo y social que dificultan la sostenibilidad de los medios de vida de
su población meta. Estos elementos se explican a lo largo de la investigación.
In the framework of the reduction of formal dependent employment because of the global economic slowdown, this research is focused on the analysis of the entrepreneurship promotion model as a potential policy instrument for the generation of jobs with decent work conditions for populations in labor vulnerability situation. The foregoing with the objective of proposing recommendations for the implementation ofalternative programs and public policies to promote economic sustainability for populations with difficulties to access to the labor market by traditional mechanism, such as: applications for job vacancies and transition through selection processes. To this end, the research is focused on the analysis of the International Labour Organization (ILO) “Emprende Seguro Program.” The Program was implemented in Ecuador and Peru between March 2020- February 2021 and it was focused on the promotion of entrepreneurships of vulnerable nationals (Ecuadorians and Peruvians) and refugees and migrants. In Peru, Emprende Seguro was executed in conjunction with the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE). In Ecuador, it was implemented in collaboration with the Local Economic Development Agencies, affiliated to the Decentralized Autonomous Governments. Throughout this research, the strengths, and gaps of Emprende Seguro to contributeto the economic sustainability of the graduates, as well as the normative and contextual elements by country that contributed to this insertion have been analyzed. This analysis has shown that the Entrepreneurship Promotion model is an efficient alternative for income generation for populations in a context of labor vulnerability since it has allowed them to get out of the threshold of economic recession in which they found themselves before starting their entrepreneurship. However, the sustainability of the immediate effects of the model on graduates’ incomes requires the intervention on contextual elements by promoting organizationsthat could help to mitigate elements of vulnerability and gaps in the regulatory and social context. Those elements will be explained throughout this research.
In the framework of the reduction of formal dependent employment because of the global economic slowdown, this research is focused on the analysis of the entrepreneurship promotion model as a potential policy instrument for the generation of jobs with decent work conditions for populations in labor vulnerability situation. The foregoing with the objective of proposing recommendations for the implementation ofalternative programs and public policies to promote economic sustainability for populations with difficulties to access to the labor market by traditional mechanism, such as: applications for job vacancies and transition through selection processes. To this end, the research is focused on the analysis of the International Labour Organization (ILO) “Emprende Seguro Program.” The Program was implemented in Ecuador and Peru between March 2020- February 2021 and it was focused on the promotion of entrepreneurships of vulnerable nationals (Ecuadorians and Peruvians) and refugees and migrants. In Peru, Emprende Seguro was executed in conjunction with the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE). In Ecuador, it was implemented in collaboration with the Local Economic Development Agencies, affiliated to the Decentralized Autonomous Governments. Throughout this research, the strengths, and gaps of Emprende Seguro to contributeto the economic sustainability of the graduates, as well as the normative and contextual elements by country that contributed to this insertion have been analyzed. This analysis has shown that the Entrepreneurship Promotion model is an efficient alternative for income generation for populations in a context of labor vulnerability since it has allowed them to get out of the threshold of economic recession in which they found themselves before starting their entrepreneurship. However, the sustainability of the immediate effects of the model on graduates’ incomes requires the intervention on contextual elements by promoting organizationsthat could help to mitigate elements of vulnerability and gaps in the regulatory and social context. Those elements will be explained throughout this research.
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