El derecho al recurso efectivo en la migración: análisis comparativo en los sistemas regionales de derechos humanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo analiza el tratamiento del derecho al recurso efectivo de los
migrantes en dos sistemas de derechos humanos: el Sistema Interamericano de
Derecho Humanos (SIDH) y el Sistema Europeo de Derechos Humanos (SEDH).
La importancia de ello se debe a que el derecho a un recurso efectivo es el primer
escalón para proteger a las personas migrantes. De hecho, si se vulnera el
derecho al recurso efectivo, se cierra las puertas para la protección de los otros
derechos como el derecho a la vida, a la integridad física, a no ser torturado,
entre otros. En ese sentido, los Estados deben respetar el derecho a un recurso
efectivo como un paso mínimo frente a los estándares internacionales sobre
migrantes. Sin embargo, el tema se vuelve más complejo, en tanto el derecho al
recurso efectivo está compuesto por otros derechos esenciales para su correcta
implementación en los procesos legales. En esa línea, hemos optado por el
análisis comparativo del derecho al recurso efectivo entre estos dos sistemas
regionales de derechos humanos, a efectos de evidenciar sus características,
ventajas y desventajas. Finalmente, concluiremos que cada uno de los sistemas
ha desarrollado más algunos aspectos en comparación a otros, debido a las
propias características de los corredores migratorios en su región.
This article analyses the treatment of migrant’s right to an effective remedy in two Human Right Systems: The Inter-American System of human rights and the European system of human rights. The importance of this is due to the fact that the right to an effective remedy is the first step to protect migrants. In fact, if the right to an effective remedy is violated, the doors are closed for the protection of other rights such as the right to life, the right to physical integrity, the right to not be tortured, among others. In that sense, States have to respect the right to an effective remedy as a minimum step towards international standards of migrants. However, the issue becomes more complex, since the right to an effective remedy is composed of other essential rights for their correct implementation in the legal processes. On that line, we have chosen the comparative analysis of the right to an effective remedy of both regional systems of human rights, for the purpose of identify their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Lastly, we will conclude that each of the systems has developed some aspects compared to others because of the characteristics of each migratory corridor of the region.
This article analyses the treatment of migrant’s right to an effective remedy in two Human Right Systems: The Inter-American System of human rights and the European system of human rights. The importance of this is due to the fact that the right to an effective remedy is the first step to protect migrants. In fact, if the right to an effective remedy is violated, the doors are closed for the protection of other rights such as the right to life, the right to physical integrity, the right to not be tortured, among others. In that sense, States have to respect the right to an effective remedy as a minimum step towards international standards of migrants. However, the issue becomes more complex, since the right to an effective remedy is composed of other essential rights for their correct implementation in the legal processes. On that line, we have chosen the comparative analysis of the right to an effective remedy of both regional systems of human rights, for the purpose of identify their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Lastly, we will conclude that each of the systems has developed some aspects compared to others because of the characteristics of each migratory corridor of the region.
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