La inobservancia de los derechos laborales de los artistas, en específico el descuido en el derecho a la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en el caso de los intérpretes y ejecutantes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los músicos son un grupo que, históricamente, se han visto relegados por el
propio Estado, tanto en lo que respecta a la generación de empleo como a la
conservación del mismo. Ello ha desembocado en que, entre otros derechos, el
correspondiente a la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo haya sido pasado por alto
en reiteradas ocasiones, especialmente para el caso de los intérpretes y
ejecutantes. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo busca abordar, primero, un
planteamiento teórico sobre lo que el régimen laboral de los artistas, de modo
que el lector cuente con los fundamentos suficientes para comprender el
contexto en el que se encuentran. Luego, nos adentramos a lo que es la
materia pertinente, verificar si es que existe, tanto en la norma positiva como en
la práctica, un verdadero reconocimiento y eficacia de tal derecho. Finalmente,
nos centraremos en lo reseñado en instrumentos internacionales, además de
presentar legislación comparada, lo cual provoca un escenario generalizado y
de perjuicio en contra de los artistas, posicionando al Estado peruano como
principal responsable de lo ocurrido. Con ello, proponemos que se expida una
regulación técnica especializada para los artistas intérpretes y ejecutantes,
debido a la muy particular prestación de servicios que realizan.
Musicians are a group that, historically, have been relegated by the State itself, both in terms of job creation and job preservation. This has led to the fact that, among other rights, that corresponding to Safety and Health at Work has been repeatedly overlooked, especially in the case of performers. In this sense, this work seeks to address, first, a theoretical approach to the work regime of artists, so that the reader has sufficient foundations to understand the context in which they find themselves. Then, we delve into what is the relevant matter, verifying whether there exists, both in the positive norm and in practice, a true recognition and effectiveness of such right. Finally, we will focus on what is outlined in international instruments, in addition to presenting comparative legislation, which causes a widespread and damaging scenario against artists, positioning the Peruvian State as the main responsible for what happened. With this, we propose that a specialized technical regulation be issued for performers, due to the very particular provision of services they perform.
Musicians are a group that, historically, have been relegated by the State itself, both in terms of job creation and job preservation. This has led to the fact that, among other rights, that corresponding to Safety and Health at Work has been repeatedly overlooked, especially in the case of performers. In this sense, this work seeks to address, first, a theoretical approach to the work regime of artists, so that the reader has sufficient foundations to understand the context in which they find themselves. Then, we delve into what is the relevant matter, verifying whether there exists, both in the positive norm and in practice, a true recognition and effectiveness of such right. Finally, we will focus on what is outlined in international instruments, in addition to presenting comparative legislation, which causes a widespread and damaging scenario against artists, positioning the Peruvian State as the main responsible for what happened. With this, we propose that a specialized technical regulation be issued for performers, due to the very particular provision of services they perform.
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