Capullanas: producción, propuesta editorial y gestión de redes sociales de un medio periodístico con enfoque de género
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Capullanas es un medio periodístico digital que indaga sobre temas de género, enfocándose
en tres ejes: educación sexual, diversidad y machismo. Con un lenguaje fresco, sencillo y no
confrontacional, buscamos llegar a nuestra audiencia de jóvenes entre los 20 y 30 años de
edad, que no estén muy familiarizados con las temáticas, pero que consideren necesario
aprender y entender sobre ellas para construir una sociedad más justa e igualitaria. Cabe
destacar que la elección de los tres ejes anteriormente mencionados responde a una evidente
necesidad por combatir la desinformación sobre determinados temas (generalmente
relacionados a educación sexual) y sensibilizar a nuestra audiencia sobre diversidad y género,
evitando así enfocarnos en las formas de violencia que sufren poblaciones vulnerables y que
ya son abordadas diariamente en diversos medios periodísticos. Entre nuestros hallazgos más
resaltantes figura el creciente interés de los jóvenes por temas de género, la gran interacción
que se genera en las redes sociales más populares del momento (como TikTok e Instagram) y
la necesidad de una estrategia de posicionamiento en redes para la llegada a un público
mucho más vasto. También, encontramos que los formatos audiovisuales son los que más
interés generan en nuestro público objetivo, en especial aquellos de corta duración. De esta
manera, consideramos que la exploración de los nuevos formatos que surgen en el periodismo
son el canal más directo y efectivo para la producción de propuestas que busquen generar un
cambio social y estructural.
Capullanas is a digital journalistic platform that seeks to investigate gender issues, focusing on three main topics: sexual education, diversity and sexism. With a fresh, simple and nonconfrontational language, we hope to reach our audience of young people between 20 and 30 years of age, who are not very familiar with these topics, but who consider it necessary to learn and understand about them to build a fairer and equal society. We must consider that the choice of these three main topics responds to an evident need to combat disinformation on certain topics (generally related to sexual education) and talk with our audience about diversity and gender, rather than focusing on the forms of violence they suffer. Among our most outstanding findings is the growing interest of young people in gender issues, the great interaction that has taken place in the most popular social networks at the moment (such as TikTok and Instagram) and the need for a positioning strategy in networks for reaching a much larger audience. Also, we found that audiovisual formats are the ones that generate more engagement. In conclusion, we consider that the exploration of these new formats that have arisen in journalism is the best and most effective way for the news proposals that seek to generate a social and structural change.
Capullanas is a digital journalistic platform that seeks to investigate gender issues, focusing on three main topics: sexual education, diversity and sexism. With a fresh, simple and nonconfrontational language, we hope to reach our audience of young people between 20 and 30 years of age, who are not very familiar with these topics, but who consider it necessary to learn and understand about them to build a fairer and equal society. We must consider that the choice of these three main topics responds to an evident need to combat disinformation on certain topics (generally related to sexual education) and talk with our audience about diversity and gender, rather than focusing on the forms of violence they suffer. Among our most outstanding findings is the growing interest of young people in gender issues, the great interaction that has taken place in the most popular social networks at the moment (such as TikTok and Instagram) and the need for a positioning strategy in networks for reaching a much larger audience. Also, we found that audiovisual formats are the ones that generate more engagement. In conclusion, we consider that the exploration of these new formats that have arisen in journalism is the best and most effective way for the news proposals that seek to generate a social and structural change.
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