Contando historias: la responsabilidad de transmitir herencia cultural a través del diseño de personajes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Durante los últimos diez años, he tenido la oportunidad de producir y
colaborar en diversos proyectos multidisciplinarios, tanto bidimensionales como
tridimensionales, que han aportado a mi visión artística y desarrollo como
diseñadora gráfica, al crear conceptos y diseñando personajes inspirados en la
cultura peruana.
Este documento es un breve recopilado de mi experiencia laboral a partir
de mi egreso de la Facultad de Arte de la PUCP, a finales del 2012 de la
especialidad de Diseño Gráfico, hasta el presente momento.
El informe está distribuido en tres fases donde presento tres proyectos
bajo mi marca Jumping Lomo, en colaboración con mi socio Guillermo Fajardo
Sanchez, de diversas extensiones que exhiben la evolución de mi misión
personal y profesional como una persona partícipe dentro de un espacio y tiempo
en la historia de la comunidad a la que pertenezco.
El primer proyecto se llama El Despertar del Wiracocha, presentado en el
año 2019, en donde exploro y rescato los conceptos básicos de balance y
armonía de la cosmovisión andina.
Luego viene Perú te llevo en mi pecho, una experimentación unipersonal
que se transformó en una experiencia compartida que hasta este momento lleva
seis años desarrollándose.
Por último, Wacky Gods, es un proyecto digital que representa la
aspiración de ubicar representaciones pictóricas peruanas a lado de tendencias
internacionales, y a su vez una crítica personal acerca de los nuevos arquetipos
que habitan en esta era antropogénica.
Over the last ten years, I have had the opportunity to produce and collaborate on various multidisciplinary projects, both two-dimensional and threedimensional, which have contributed to my artistic vision and development as a graphic designer, by creating concepts and designing characters inspired by Peruvian culture. This document is a brief compilation of my work experience since the conclusion of my studies at the Faculty of Arts at PUCP, specializing in Graphic Design, towards the end of 2012 up to the present time. The report is divided into three phases, three projects under my brand Jumping Lomo, in collaboration with my partner Guillermo Fajardo Sanchez. These projects of various dimensions demonstrate the evolution of my personal and professional mission within a specific space and time in the community to which I belong. The first project is called “The Awakening of Wiracocha”, presented in 2019, where I explore and bring awareness to the basic concepts of balance and harmony from the Andean cosmovision. Next is “Peru, I carry you in my heart”, a personal experiment that has evolved into a shared social experience and is currently in its sixth year of development. Finally, “Wacky Gods” is a digital project that blends my aspiration to position Peruvian representations alongside global trends, while also, my personal reflection on the new archetypes in this current anthropogenic era.
Over the last ten years, I have had the opportunity to produce and collaborate on various multidisciplinary projects, both two-dimensional and threedimensional, which have contributed to my artistic vision and development as a graphic designer, by creating concepts and designing characters inspired by Peruvian culture. This document is a brief compilation of my work experience since the conclusion of my studies at the Faculty of Arts at PUCP, specializing in Graphic Design, towards the end of 2012 up to the present time. The report is divided into three phases, three projects under my brand Jumping Lomo, in collaboration with my partner Guillermo Fajardo Sanchez. These projects of various dimensions demonstrate the evolution of my personal and professional mission within a specific space and time in the community to which I belong. The first project is called “The Awakening of Wiracocha”, presented in 2019, where I explore and bring awareness to the basic concepts of balance and harmony from the Andean cosmovision. Next is “Peru, I carry you in my heart”, a personal experiment that has evolved into a shared social experience and is currently in its sixth year of development. Finally, “Wacky Gods” is a digital project that blends my aspiration to position Peruvian representations alongside global trends, while also, my personal reflection on the new archetypes in this current anthropogenic era.
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