Otras miradas a la Independencia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El autor propone perspectivas teóricas que invitan a explorar dimensiones de la Independencia poco transitadas por la historiografía ad usum. Así, convoca a ubicar la Independencia en el proceso del proyecto de la modernidad y sus componentes básicos en los ámbitos de la cultura, la sociedad y la vida cotidiana, y postula la necesidad de mirar la Independencia desde algunos de los horizontes teóricos que abren los nuevos derroteros de los estudios culturales, jurídicos, políticos y filosóficos sobre temas como subalternidad, descolonización, colonialidad del poder y del saber, distinción entre “lo político” y “la política”, “acontecimiento”, etc.
The author proposes theoretical perspectives that invite to explore dimensions of the Independence that the historiography ad usum is not in the habit of frequenting. This way, he calls to locating the Independence in the process of the project of the modernity and its basic components in the areas of the culture, the society and the daily life, and postulates the need to look at the Independence from some of the theoretical horizons that open the new courses of the cultural, juridical, political and philosophical studies on topics as subalternity, decolonization, coloniality of the power and of the knowledge, distinction between “the political” and “the politics”", “event”, etc.
The author proposes theoretical perspectives that invite to explore dimensions of the Independence that the historiography ad usum is not in the habit of frequenting. This way, he calls to locating the Independence in the process of the project of the modernity and its basic components in the areas of the culture, the society and the daily life, and postulates the need to look at the Independence from some of the theoretical horizons that open the new courses of the cultural, juridical, political and philosophical studies on topics as subalternity, decolonization, coloniality of the power and of the knowledge, distinction between “the political” and “the politics”", “event”, etc.
Palabras clave
Independencia, Modernidad, Colonialidad, “Lo politico”, “La política”, “Acontecimiento”
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