Insuficiente entrenamiento en el uso de las armas de fuego de los efectivos policiales, a nivel nacional, los años 2018 al 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El Alto Mando de la Policía Nacional del Perú, dispuso la ejecución de las
prácticas de tiro en el personal policial mediante la emisión y aprobación de
directivas y planes específicos. Sin embargo, durante el periodo quinquenal del
2018 al 2022 no se realizaron prácticas de tiro, debido a limitaciones en los
procesos de planificación y presupuesto, que posibilite la compra de municiones.
El insuficiente entrenamiento en el uso de las armas de fuego de los
efectivos policiales a nivel nacional se evidencia con la información proporcionada
por la oficina de informática y estadística de la Inspectoría General de la Policía
Nacional del Perú (IG-PNP); que advirtió en los meses de enero a mayo del año
2023 se iniciaron 247 indagaciones administrativas relacionadas con el inapropiado
uso de las armas de fuego, corroborado con la encuesta realizada en el personal
policial, el cual expuso como resultado que un 77.8% no realizó prácticas en el
último año y el 22.2% restante lo realizó bajo su propio costo.
La problemática descrita afecta de manera directa el desarrollo
organizacional y prestigio institucional, al advertir cuestionamientos en el
profesionalismo de quienes componen la institución, por cuanto la competencia en
el uso de las armas es transversal a las demás actividades de las fuerzas del orden.
Ante dicha problemática, el equipo de trabajo presenta a manera de solución
innovadora y disruptiva un modelo de entrenamiento asincrónico, económico y
flexible a fin de superar las deficiencias en el uso del principal medio de policía, el
arma de fuego.
The High Command of the National Police of Peru ordered the execution of shooting practices for police personnel through the issuance and approval of specific directives and plans. However, during the five-year period from 2018 to 2022, no shooting practices were carried out, due to limitations in the planning and budget processes, which make the purchase of ammunition possible. The insufficient training in the use of firearms by police officers nationwide is evidenced by the information provided by the information technology and statistics office of the General Inspectorate of the National Police of Peru (IG-PNP); which warned that in the months of January to May 2023, 247 administrative inquiries were initiated related to the inappropriate use of firearms, corroborated with the survey carried out among police personnel, which showed that 77.8% did not carry out practical training. in the last year and the remaining 22.2% was done at their own expense. The problem described directly affects organizational development and institutional prestige, by raising questions about the professionalism of those who make up the institution, since competence in the use of weapons is transversal to the other activities of law enforcement. Faced with this problem, the work team presents, as an innovative and disruptive solution, an asynchronous, economical and flexible training model in order to overcome deficiencies in the use of the main police means, the firearm.
The High Command of the National Police of Peru ordered the execution of shooting practices for police personnel through the issuance and approval of specific directives and plans. However, during the five-year period from 2018 to 2022, no shooting practices were carried out, due to limitations in the planning and budget processes, which make the purchase of ammunition possible. The insufficient training in the use of firearms by police officers nationwide is evidenced by the information provided by the information technology and statistics office of the General Inspectorate of the National Police of Peru (IG-PNP); which warned that in the months of January to May 2023, 247 administrative inquiries were initiated related to the inappropriate use of firearms, corroborated with the survey carried out among police personnel, which showed that 77.8% did not carry out practical training. in the last year and the remaining 22.2% was done at their own expense. The problem described directly affects organizational development and institutional prestige, by raising questions about the professionalism of those who make up the institution, since competence in the use of weapons is transversal to the other activities of law enforcement. Faced with this problem, the work team presents, as an innovative and disruptive solution, an asynchronous, economical and flexible training model in order to overcome deficiencies in the use of the main police means, the firearm.
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