Enfoque de género en el Programa Nacional de Conservación de Bosques para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático. Análisis de su implementación en la comunidad Kichwa Copal Sacha y la comunidad Awajun Shimpiyacu
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación, surge en un momento en el cual el país, aún tiene grandes
niveles de pobreza y desigualdad a pesar del actual crecimiento económico. Además,
presenta crisis ambiental climática, que en el caso de la selva tiene como una de las
causas la deforestación creciente. Otra característica del contexto de la presente tesis,
es la exclusión de las comunidades nativas. Ante esta situación el Estado peruano ha
propuesto revertir el problema a través de diferentes estrategias, una de ellas impulsando
el Programa Nacional de Conservación de Bosques para la Mitigación del Cambio
Climático, con la participación activa de las comunidades nativas.
Considerando las características de la investigación las teorías más asumidas tienen que
ver con el desarrollo humano y el desarrollo de capacidades, la teoría ambiental; y los
enfoques de género, interculturalidad, sostenibilidad; y desarrollo territorial. A nivel
metodológico, la naturaleza de la investigación es cualitativa porque se ha enfatizado las
opiniones, actitudes y la observación de las y los comuneros nativos. La forma de
investigación corresponde a un Estudio de Caso, por ello, los resultados obtenidos se
referirán sobre todo a las comunidades nativas analizadas; sin embargo, algunos
resultados podrían aplicarse y ser aplicados parcialmente a comunidades similares.
Las mujeres y hombres kichwa, se muestran satisfechos con el aporte del equipo zonal,
consideran que las actividades que realizan principalmente productivas y formativas, les
beneficia para su desarrollo; cosa distinta sucede con la muestra de Shimpiyacu; que,
preferirían invertir su subvención económica en mejoramiento del agua y saneamiento.
Como otro resultado tenemos que el Programa Bosques, necesita dimensionar el enfoque
de género que atraviese en las localidades, el aspecto productivo y político; como un
requisito para su sostenibilidad. Otros resultados muestran que el enfoque de género
cuenta con estrategias y acciones generales, más no cuentan con herramientas para el
monitoreo, y recojo de información; importantes en el proceso de implementación de las
Transferencias Directas Condicionadas (TDC) del Ministerio de Economía y finanzas.
Una de las principales dificultades que se viene arrastrado durante varios años, es el
deficiente diseño con que fue creado, el cual no involucra a todos los integrantes de los
equipos productivo y social; y no establecen acciones vinculantes entre los directivos y
personal trabajador referidos al conocimiento y compromiso con el enfoque de género.
This research intends to highlight the procedure of one of the environmental policy strategies (Forest Program) interrelated with a tool of the country's gender policy. Both issues (environmental and gender), for several years, are being highlighted in the various program spaces and projects by the State, framed in international agreements and commitments with which the country is linked. For this I have formulated a general question: How does the National Forest Conservation Program implement the gender approach in the communities of Copal Sacha and Shimpiyacu, in the department of San Martín and how does it relate to social sustainability? And five specific objectives: "Analyze the design and alignment of the Forestry Program with respect to the theory of design and implementation of the program and projects and the environmental and gender policy, respectively"; "Identify and evaluate the strategies and resources of the gender approach implemented by the Forests Program in the communities of Copal Sacha and Shimpiyacu," analyze the perspective of the Forests Program regarding the gender approach in its application in native communities and its relationship with social sustainability. "Describe the form of analysis of needs and interests of men and women of the communities that develop the Forest Program" and finally, "analyze the monitoring tools used to systematize the participation of men and women." The implementation of the research was through different techniques of data collection such as participant observation, documentary review, semi-structured interviews, groups of women and men that are directly and indirectly linked to the Forest Program, in the native communities of Copal Sacha and Shimpiyacu. In addition, officials and servers of the San Martín Zonal Area and the headquarters of the Forest Program, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. What has resulted is that the Forests Program, implemented through its San Martin Zonal Area, strategies and actions with a gender focus, but does not have tools that are used in the implementation process of Conditional Direct Transfers - TDC One of the main difficulties that has dragged for several years is the poor design with which it was created; likewise, the Zonal San Martín has created alliances to train in implementing some measures that generate better results. There is a common idea in the Forestry Program teams that the gender approach will be effective with the promotion of more women participating in activities of various types (political, productive, etc.). There is evidence that the approach would contribute to the closing of social gaps in the communities and therefore there is a strong connection with social sustainability. However, it does not have information collection tools with a gender perspective in its main processes of affiliation with TDC nor monitoring tools that facilitate the reading of the expected results in this field. Despite this, mainly Kichwa women and men, feel identified and satisfied with the support they receive from the zonal team, they consider that the activities they do benefit them for their development; A different story happens with the sample of Shimpiyacu, which would prefer to invest its economic subsidy in improving basic services, such as quality water
This research intends to highlight the procedure of one of the environmental policy strategies (Forest Program) interrelated with a tool of the country's gender policy. Both issues (environmental and gender), for several years, are being highlighted in the various program spaces and projects by the State, framed in international agreements and commitments with which the country is linked. For this I have formulated a general question: How does the National Forest Conservation Program implement the gender approach in the communities of Copal Sacha and Shimpiyacu, in the department of San Martín and how does it relate to social sustainability? And five specific objectives: "Analyze the design and alignment of the Forestry Program with respect to the theory of design and implementation of the program and projects and the environmental and gender policy, respectively"; "Identify and evaluate the strategies and resources of the gender approach implemented by the Forests Program in the communities of Copal Sacha and Shimpiyacu," analyze the perspective of the Forests Program regarding the gender approach in its application in native communities and its relationship with social sustainability. "Describe the form of analysis of needs and interests of men and women of the communities that develop the Forest Program" and finally, "analyze the monitoring tools used to systematize the participation of men and women." The implementation of the research was through different techniques of data collection such as participant observation, documentary review, semi-structured interviews, groups of women and men that are directly and indirectly linked to the Forest Program, in the native communities of Copal Sacha and Shimpiyacu. In addition, officials and servers of the San Martín Zonal Area and the headquarters of the Forest Program, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. What has resulted is that the Forests Program, implemented through its San Martin Zonal Area, strategies and actions with a gender focus, but does not have tools that are used in the implementation process of Conditional Direct Transfers - TDC One of the main difficulties that has dragged for several years is the poor design with which it was created; likewise, the Zonal San Martín has created alliances to train in implementing some measures that generate better results. There is a common idea in the Forestry Program teams that the gender approach will be effective with the promotion of more women participating in activities of various types (political, productive, etc.). There is evidence that the approach would contribute to the closing of social gaps in the communities and therefore there is a strong connection with social sustainability. However, it does not have information collection tools with a gender perspective in its main processes of affiliation with TDC nor monitoring tools that facilitate the reading of the expected results in this field. Despite this, mainly Kichwa women and men, feel identified and satisfied with the support they receive from the zonal team, they consider that the activities they do benefit them for their development; A different story happens with the sample of Shimpiyacu, which would prefer to invest its economic subsidy in improving basic services, such as quality water
Palabras clave
Cambio climático--Política gubernamental--Perú, Deforestación--Amazonas, Río, Comunidades nativas y medio ambiente--Perú--Amazonía, Región, Género--Amazonía, Región