Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa de Transportes Caipo S.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo corresponde a la elaboración de un Plan Estratégico para la
Empresa de Transportes CAIPO S.R.L., en adelante Transportes CAIPO, la cual está
dedicada a brindar los servicios de transporte terrestre interprovincial, transporte de
trabajadores y de mercaderías o encomiendas. Este documento expone los resultados del
análisis de factores externos e internos de la empresa, a través de la cual se identificaron
oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades de mayor relevancia que involucran a la
Se detalla la visión al 2030 que la empresa aspira llegar, junto con la misión que
transmite lo que hace, con y para quienes desarrolla sus actividades de negocio. Transportes
CAIPO se proyecta a ser líder del mercado de la Región La Libertad en el transporte de
personas y encomiendas, mediante un servicio óptimo, con un alto nivel de seguridad, con
responsabilidad social y cuidado del medio ambiente. A través de la visión se desarrollaron
los intereses organizacionales y los objetivos de largo plazo de la empresa, los cuales son: (a)
alcanzar un índice de satisfacción de clientes mayor a 85%, (b) incrementar la participación
del mercado regional en 20%, (c) incrementar la eficiencia operativa de vehículos en 25%,
(d) incrementar la capacidad instalada en 50%, e (e) incrementar el rendimiento sobre el
patrimonio (ROE) a 20%.
Para que se pueda alcanzar la visión y los objetivos de largo plazo, se plantean
estrategias a implementar, las cuales son: (a) desarrollar proyectos de optimización de
estructura de costos, (b) incrementar la capacidad instalada de flota; (c) desarrollar nuevos
servicios con relación al transporte interprovincial, (d) fortalecer la satisfacción, lealtad y
repetición de compra entre los actuales consumidores, (e) desarrollar nuevos servicios de
transporte, y (f) desarrollar el mercado con énfasis en calidad y seguridad.
This work corresponds to the development of a Strategic Plan for the Company Transportes Caipo S.R.L., hereinafter Transportes CAIPO, which is dedicated to providing interprovincial land services as transportation of workers and goods or parcels. The present work exposes the external and internal analysis results of the company factors, through which opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of major importance involving the company were identified. It details the vision to 2030 that the company aims to arrive, along with the mission that conveys what it does, with and for those who develop its business activities. CAIPO transports is projected to be a market leader of the La Libertad Region in The transport of people and parcels, through an optimal service, with a high level of security, with social responsibility and care of the environment. Through the vision the organizational interests and long-term objectives of the company were developed, which are: (a) achieve a customer satisfaction rate greater than 85%, (b) increase regional market share by 20%, (c) increase vehicle operational efficiency by 25%, (d) increase installed capacity by 50%, and (e) increase equity performance (ROE) to 20%. In order to achieve the long term vision and objectives, strategies are proposed to be implemented which are: (a) develop cost structure optimization projects, (b) increase installed fleet capacity; (c) develop new services in relation to interprovincial transport, (d) strengthen satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase among current consumers, (e) develop new transport services, and (f) develop the market with an emphasis on quality and safety.
This work corresponds to the development of a Strategic Plan for the Company Transportes Caipo S.R.L., hereinafter Transportes CAIPO, which is dedicated to providing interprovincial land services as transportation of workers and goods or parcels. The present work exposes the external and internal analysis results of the company factors, through which opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of major importance involving the company were identified. It details the vision to 2030 that the company aims to arrive, along with the mission that conveys what it does, with and for those who develop its business activities. CAIPO transports is projected to be a market leader of the La Libertad Region in The transport of people and parcels, through an optimal service, with a high level of security, with social responsibility and care of the environment. Through the vision the organizational interests and long-term objectives of the company were developed, which are: (a) achieve a customer satisfaction rate greater than 85%, (b) increase regional market share by 20%, (c) increase vehicle operational efficiency by 25%, (d) increase installed capacity by 50%, and (e) increase equity performance (ROE) to 20%. In order to achieve the long term vision and objectives, strategies are proposed to be implemented which are: (a) develop cost structure optimization projects, (b) increase installed fleet capacity; (c) develop new services in relation to interprovincial transport, (d) strengthen satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase among current consumers, (e) develop new transport services, and (f) develop the market with an emphasis on quality and safety.
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