Discriminación en el consumo por identidad de género en los pronunciamientos de Indecopi sobre negativas de ingreso de personas transgénero a servicios higiénicos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo jurídico tiene como finalidad revisar los pronunciamientos de
Indecopi en casos de discriminación en el consumo por negativa de ingreso de
las personas transgénero a los servicios higiénicos de acuerdo a como se
identifican en el marco de las relaciones de consumo o como potenciales
consumidores. Es por ello que se realiza un análisis de los criterios que han
orientado a la Comisión de Protección al Consumidor, así como a la Sala
Especializada en Protección al Consumidor del Indecopi, en cada caso en
concreto, los hechos, el contexto social, las pruebas y argumentos presentados
en el marco del procedimiento y como todo ello ha influenciado al momento de
evaluar, analizar y resolver las denuncias respecto a estos supuestos de
discriminación en el consumo íntimamente ligados a la identidad de género de
las personas. Esto resulta relevante porque permite evidenciar como los criterios
empleados en cada caso concreto, si se han mantenido en el tiempo o han ido
cambiando, si ha sido así, en qué sentido han evolucionado para a que este año
se emita un pronunciamiento en el cual se resuelve a favor de concederles este
derecho a las personas transgénero de ingresar a los baños con los cuales se
identifican y marcar un precedente en su lucha diaria de reconocimiento de sus
derechos en cada ámbito de sus vidas en que se desarrollan.
The purpose of this legal article is to review Indecopi’s pronouncements in cases of discrimination in consumption due to the refusal of access of transgender people to hygienic services according to how they are identified in the context of consumer relations or as potential consumers. For this reason, an analysis is made of the criteria that have guided the Consumer Protection Commission and the Consumer Protection Division of Indecopi, in each specific case, the facts, the social context, the evidence and arguments presented in the course of the proceedings, and how all this has influenced the assessment, analysis and resolution of complaints regarding these cases of discrimination in the consumption closely linked to people’s gender identity. This is relevant because it allows us to show how the criteria used in each specific case, whether they have been maintained over time or have changed, if so, how they have evolved so that this year a decision will be issued in favour of granting transgender people this right to enter the bathrooms with which they identify and set a precedent. their daily struggle for recognition of their rights in every area of their lives in which they develop.
The purpose of this legal article is to review Indecopi’s pronouncements in cases of discrimination in consumption due to the refusal of access of transgender people to hygienic services according to how they are identified in the context of consumer relations or as potential consumers. For this reason, an analysis is made of the criteria that have guided the Consumer Protection Commission and the Consumer Protection Division of Indecopi, in each specific case, the facts, the social context, the evidence and arguments presented in the course of the proceedings, and how all this has influenced the assessment, analysis and resolution of complaints regarding these cases of discrimination in the consumption closely linked to people’s gender identity. This is relevant because it allows us to show how the criteria used in each specific case, whether they have been maintained over time or have changed, if so, how they have evolved so that this year a decision will be issued in favour of granting transgender people this right to enter the bathrooms with which they identify and set a precedent. their daily struggle for recognition of their rights in every area of their lives in which they develop.
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