Análisis de los factores facilitadores y limitantes del Plan Regional de Lucha contra la Anemia en la atención de niños y niñas menores de 36 meses en el Distrito de Independencia – Áncash, años 2019 – 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Dado que una de las priorizaciones de las políticas públicas en salud en el país está
enfocada en la reducción de los altos índices de anemia en infantes, que viven en las
diferentes regiones del Perú, cuyo propósito además plantea un trabajo de articulación
intersectorial e intergubernamental partiendo de los gobiernos regionales y locales, la
presente investigación busca valorar los factores facilitadores y limitantes del Plan
Regional de Lucha Contra la Anemia en la atención de niños y niñas menores de 36
meses en el distrito de Independencia, en la región Áncash en los años 2019 y 2020.
Es por ello que, se analizó el diseño del plan regional, así como la descripción de
cuáles son los factores que facilitan o limitan su adecuada gestión, partiendo, de la
examinación de un trabajo de articulación intersectorial promovida por el Gobierno
Regional de Áncash y, el conocimiento de la percepción y valoración que tienen los
actores sobre la gestión de este plan regional.
De los hallazgos encontrados se identificó como factores indispensables para gestión
del plan; la priorización y voluntad política, así como contar con un equipo técnico
especializado de monitoreo, y, por otro lado, el adecuado trabajo de articulación
intersectorial a través de los monitores sociales.
Por lo expuesto, a partir de los resultados de este trabajo se propone mejoras que
permita que el PRLCA represente una política regional sostenible y que contribuya a
mejorar la calidad de vida de los infantes.
Given that one of the priorities of public health policies in the country is focused on reducing the high rates of anemia in infants, who live in the different regions of Peru, whose purpose also proposes a work of intersectoral and intergovernmental articulation based on of regional and local governments, this research seeks to assess the facilitating and limiting factors of the Regional Plan to Fight Anemia in the care of boys and girls under 36 months in the district of Independencia, in the Áncash region in the years 2019. and 2020. For this reason, the design of the regional plan was analyzed, as well as the description of the factors that facilitate or limit its adequate management, starting from the examination of intersectoral articulation work promoted by the Regional Government of Ancash and, the knowledge of the perception and assessment that the actors have regarding the management of this regional plan. From the findings found, essential factors for plan management were identified; prioritization and political will, as well as having a specialized technical monitoring team, and, on the other hand, the adequate work of intersectoral articulation through social monitors. Therefore, based on the results of this work, improvements are proposed that allow the PRLCA to represent a sustainable regional policy and contribute to improving the quality of life of children.
Given that one of the priorities of public health policies in the country is focused on reducing the high rates of anemia in infants, who live in the different regions of Peru, whose purpose also proposes a work of intersectoral and intergovernmental articulation based on of regional and local governments, this research seeks to assess the facilitating and limiting factors of the Regional Plan to Fight Anemia in the care of boys and girls under 36 months in the district of Independencia, in the Áncash region in the years 2019. and 2020. For this reason, the design of the regional plan was analyzed, as well as the description of the factors that facilitate or limit its adequate management, starting from the examination of intersectoral articulation work promoted by the Regional Government of Ancash and, the knowledge of the perception and assessment that the actors have regarding the management of this regional plan. From the findings found, essential factors for plan management were identified; prioritization and political will, as well as having a specialized technical monitoring team, and, on the other hand, the adequate work of intersectoral articulation through social monitors. Therefore, based on the results of this work, improvements are proposed that allow the PRLCA to represent a sustainable regional policy and contribute to improving the quality of life of children.
Palabras clave
Salud pública--Política gubernamental--Perú--Ancash, Anemia ferropénica--Perú--Ancash, Administración pública--Perú--Ancash