Modelo prolab: Mayorcitos, soporte periférico diseñados para abordar de forma personalizada la salud del adulto mayor
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El problema a resolver en el contexto del sedentarismo en los adultos mayores en Perú
tiene múltiples dimensiones que deben ser abordadas de manera integral. En primer lugar, la
falta de actividad física adecuada en los adultos mayores puede generar un deterioro en su
calidad de vida, aumentando el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades crónicas y reduciendo su
capacidad física. Los hallazgos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (Enaho) del 2020 indican
que el 77,9% de los adultos mayores en Perú sufren enfermedades crónicas, lo que puede estar
relacionado con el sedentarismo en esta población (Instituto Nacional de Estadística e
Informática, 2020). Se ha identificado un crecimiento significativo en la población de adultos
mayores en Perú y a nivel mundial, lo que plantea la necesidad de encontrar soluciones efectivas
para satisfacer sus necesidades. El sedentarismo y las enfermedades crónicas son problemas
comunes en esta población, lo que destaca la importancia de promover la actividad física
adecuada y una alimentación equilibrada. Además, garantizar el acceso a servicios de atención
médica adecuados, el apoyo emocional y social, así como una vivienda segura y una pensión
suficiente son aspectos fundamentales para mejorar su calidad de vida.
El perfil del usuario adulto mayor en Perú es diverso en términos de ingresos, salud física y
mental, apoyo familiar y uso de la tecnología. Aunque la mayoría de los usuarios valoran la
importancia de la actividad física y la alimentación saludable, pueden enfrentar desafíos para
mantener estas prácticas debido a limitaciones físicas, desconocimiento o falta de recursos.
La solución propuesta en este estudio se destaca por su enfoque holístico, que aborda
aspectos físicos, nutricionales y psicológicos del bienestar de los adultos mayores. El aplicativo
crea una comunidad virtual donde los usuarios pueden acceder a orientación personalizada,
recursos y herramientas para mejorar su calidad de vida. Además, la solución se distingue por su
capacidad de combinar diferentes servicios en un solo aplicativo y promover la participación
social a través de la comunidad virtual. El Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de la inversión es de S/ 2,697,166.00 lo que indica que el proyecto genera un flujo positivo de ingresos a lo largo del
tiempo. La Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) es del 253.22%, lo que señala que el proyecto es
altamente rentable y tiene un retorno significativo sobre la inversión realizada. El Costo
Promedio Ponderado de Capital (WACC) utilizado para evaluar la rentabilidad del proyecto es
del 12.76%, lo que representa la tasa de descuento utilizada para calcular el VAN. Esto implica
que el proyecto debe generar ingresos superiores al 12.76% para considerarse financieramente
viable. La relación entre el Valor del Tiempo de Vida del Cliente (VTVC) y el Costo de
Adquisición del Cliente (CAC) también demuestra que la inversión en cada cliente generará
ganancias para la empresa. Además, el estudio evalúa el impacto de la propuesta en relación con
los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 3 y 10. El aplicativo orientado a adultos mayores
se alinea con estos objetivos al abordar metas específicas relacionadas con la salud y el bienestar,
así como la reducción de las desigualdades.
The problem to be solved in the context of sedentary lifestyle in the elderly in Peru has multiple dimensions that must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. In the first place, the lack of adequate physical activity in older adults can lead to a deterioration in their quality of life, increasing the risk of developing chronic diseases and reducing their physical capacity. The findings of the 2020 National Household Survey (Enaho) indicate that 77.9% of the elderly in Peru suffer from chronic diseases, which may be related to a sedentary lifestyle in this population (National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, 2020). A significant growth in the population of older adults has been identified in Peru and worldwide, which raises the need to find effective solutions to meet their needs. Sedentary lifestyle and chronic diseases are common problems in this population, which highlights the importance of promoting adequate physical activity and a balanced diet. In addition, ensuring access to adequate health care services, emotional and social support, as well as safe housing and a sufficient pension are fundamental aspects to improve their quality of life. The profile of the elderly user in Peru is diverse in terms of income, physical and mental health, family support, and use of technology. Although most users value the importance of physical activity and healthy eating, they may face challenges in maintaining these practices due to physical limitations, ignorance, or lack of resources. The solution proposed in this study stands out for its holistic approach, which addresses physical, nutritional and psychological aspects of the well-being of the elderly. The application creates a virtual community where users can access personalized guidance, resources and tools to improve their quality of life. In addition, the solution is distinguished by its ability to combine different services in a single application and promote social participation through the virtual community. The Net Present Value (VAN) of the investment is S/ 2,697,166.00, which indicates that the project generates a positive flow of income over time. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 253.22%, which indicates that the project is highly profitable and has a significant return on the investment made. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) used to evaluate the profitability of the project is 12.76%, which represents the discount rate used to calculate the NPV. This implies that the project must generate income greater than 13.84% to be considered financially viable. The relationship between the Customer Lifetime Value (CTVC) and the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) also demonstrates that the investment in each customer will generate profits for the company. In addition, the study evaluates the impact of the proposal in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 and 10. The application aimed at older adults aligns with these objectives by addressing specific goals related to health and well-being, as well as the reduction of inequalities.
The problem to be solved in the context of sedentary lifestyle in the elderly in Peru has multiple dimensions that must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. In the first place, the lack of adequate physical activity in older adults can lead to a deterioration in their quality of life, increasing the risk of developing chronic diseases and reducing their physical capacity. The findings of the 2020 National Household Survey (Enaho) indicate that 77.9% of the elderly in Peru suffer from chronic diseases, which may be related to a sedentary lifestyle in this population (National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, 2020). A significant growth in the population of older adults has been identified in Peru and worldwide, which raises the need to find effective solutions to meet their needs. Sedentary lifestyle and chronic diseases are common problems in this population, which highlights the importance of promoting adequate physical activity and a balanced diet. In addition, ensuring access to adequate health care services, emotional and social support, as well as safe housing and a sufficient pension are fundamental aspects to improve their quality of life. The profile of the elderly user in Peru is diverse in terms of income, physical and mental health, family support, and use of technology. Although most users value the importance of physical activity and healthy eating, they may face challenges in maintaining these practices due to physical limitations, ignorance, or lack of resources. The solution proposed in this study stands out for its holistic approach, which addresses physical, nutritional and psychological aspects of the well-being of the elderly. The application creates a virtual community where users can access personalized guidance, resources and tools to improve their quality of life. In addition, the solution is distinguished by its ability to combine different services in a single application and promote social participation through the virtual community. The Net Present Value (VAN) of the investment is S/ 2,697,166.00, which indicates that the project generates a positive flow of income over time. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 253.22%, which indicates that the project is highly profitable and has a significant return on the investment made. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) used to evaluate the profitability of the project is 12.76%, which represents the discount rate used to calculate the NPV. This implies that the project must generate income greater than 13.84% to be considered financially viable. The relationship between the Customer Lifetime Value (CTVC) and the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) also demonstrates that the investment in each customer will generate profits for the company. In addition, the study evaluates the impact of the proposal in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 and 10. The application aimed at older adults aligns with these objectives by addressing specific goals related to health and well-being, as well as the reduction of inequalities.
Palabras clave
Adulto mayor--Perú, Calidad de vida--Aspectos sociales, Aplicaciones para móviles
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