Bernardo O’Higgins y el mar
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva Agüero
Una de las primeras decisiones que tomó Bernardo O’Higgins cuando asumió el mandoen Chile fue constituir un poder naval capaz de disputar el control del mar a las fuerzas delvirreinato peruano. El presente artículo explora las motivaciones que lo habrían llevado apercatarse de la importancia de ese esfuerzo al revisar sus previas experiencias marítimas,primero en un convoy que cruzó el Atlántico con la cobertura de las corbetas de la ExpediciónMalaspina, y luego al ser capturada por un escuadrón británico la nave en la que sedirigía de Cádiz a Buenos Aires.
One of the fi rst decisions taken by Bernardo O’Higgins when he became Supreme Directorof Chile was to build up a naval force capable to dispute the control of the sea to the PeruvianViceroyalty forces. This article explores the motivations that might have led him to realize theimportance of this effort, by reviewing his previous maritime experiences, fi rst in a convoycrossing the Atlantic under the protection of the Malaspina expedition corvettes, and later onwhen the frigate on which he headed from Cadiz to Buenos Aires was captured by a Britishsquadron.
One of the fi rst decisions taken by Bernardo O’Higgins when he became Supreme Directorof Chile was to build up a naval force capable to dispute the control of the sea to the PeruvianViceroyalty forces. This article explores the motivations that might have led him to realize theimportance of this effort, by reviewing his previous maritime experiences, fi rst in a convoycrossing the Atlantic under the protection of the Malaspina expedition corvettes, and later onwhen the frigate on which he headed from Cadiz to Buenos Aires was captured by a Britishsquadron.
Palabras clave
Revistas generales, Historiografía--Revistas, Filosofía--Revistas, Bernardo O’Higgins, Alejandro Malaspina, Naval History, Perú, Chile
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