Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa CIRSA Corporation S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presentación de la tesis está enfocada en analizar el plan estratégico desarrollado
por la empresa Cirsa Corporation, planteando propuesta de mejoras y nuevas alternativas para
alcanzar los objetivos. Asimismo, mediante la aplicación del modelo secuencial del proceso
estratégico, se busca profundizar en la visión actual, “ser los mejores operadores del juego en
el Perú, brindando un servicio de calidad”, y con la misión, “trabajar realizando una gestión
eficiente, profesional y bajo una modalidad con altos estándares de responsabilidad social”.
Este análisis, el cual incluye la aplicación del Balance Scorecard lo que permitirá tener
las herramientas para profundizar en los objetivos, tales como, mejorar la satisfacción del
usuario, ser el operador con mejor parque de máquinas, contar con una operación productiva,
aumentar la cantidad de operaciones locales y fortalecer las acciones en conjunto con el ente
regulador contra la lucha de la ludopatía y fomentar el juego responsable. De esta manera
establecer estrategias que contribuyan de manera competitiva en la generación de valor. Es
por esto, necesario canalizar los recursos en fortalecer los aspectos que se deberán convertir
en factores diferenciadores, por ejemplo, la disponibilidad de capital y sus efectos sobre la
renovación de máquinas e implementación de acciones de marketing, lo cual tendrá como
resultado aumentar la participación de mercado. De igual manera, el know how adquirido por
la experiencia y operación en distintos países del mundo, así como el soporte tecnológico.
Del mismo modo es necesario profundizar en cuanto las amenazas de la organización,
como por ejemplo la imposición del impuesto selectivo al consumo y en las debilidades en
cuanto al nivel de servicio, por tal motivo, esta tesis está enfocada y en diseñar planes de
acción que disminuyan su impacto. Finalmente, se identifica como la principal herramienta
para el crecimiento y sostenibilidad de la organización, su capacidad para desarrollar y
promover el juego responsable, de esta manera cambiar la percepción hacia la industria y
mejorar los indicadores negativo-ocasionados por la ludopatía.
The presentation of the thesis is focused on analyzing the strategic plan developed by the company Cirsa Corporation, proposing proposals for improvements and new alternatives to achieve the objectives. Likewise, through the application of the sequential model of the strategic process, it seeks to deepen the current vision, “be the best game operators in Peru, providing a quality service”, and with the mission, “work in efficient management, professional and under a modality with high standards of social responsibility ”. This analysis, which includes the application of the Balance Scorecard which will allow us to have the tools to deepen the objectives, such as, improve user satisfaction, be the operator with the best machine park, have a productive operation, increase the quantity of local operations and strengthen actions in conjunction with the regulatory body against the fight of gambling and promote responsible gambling. In this way establish strategies that contribute competitively in the generation of value. For this reason, it is necessary to channel resources to strengthen the aspects that must become differentiating factors, for example, the availability of capital and its effects on the renewal of machines and implementation of marketing actions, which will result in increasing participation of market. Similarly, the know-how acquired by experience and operation in different countries of the world, as well a technological support. In the same way, it is necessary to deepen the organization's threats, such as the imposition of the selective consumption tax and the weaknesses in the level of service, for this reason, this thesis is focused and in designing action plans that Decrease its impact. Finally, it is identified as the main tool for the growth and sustainability of the organization, its ability to develop and promote responsible gambling, thus changing.
The presentation of the thesis is focused on analyzing the strategic plan developed by the company Cirsa Corporation, proposing proposals for improvements and new alternatives to achieve the objectives. Likewise, through the application of the sequential model of the strategic process, it seeks to deepen the current vision, “be the best game operators in Peru, providing a quality service”, and with the mission, “work in efficient management, professional and under a modality with high standards of social responsibility ”. This analysis, which includes the application of the Balance Scorecard which will allow us to have the tools to deepen the objectives, such as, improve user satisfaction, be the operator with the best machine park, have a productive operation, increase the quantity of local operations and strengthen actions in conjunction with the regulatory body against the fight of gambling and promote responsible gambling. In this way establish strategies that contribute competitively in the generation of value. For this reason, it is necessary to channel resources to strengthen the aspects that must become differentiating factors, for example, the availability of capital and its effects on the renewal of machines and implementation of marketing actions, which will result in increasing participation of market. Similarly, the know-how acquired by experience and operation in different countries of the world, as well a technological support. In the same way, it is necessary to deepen the organization's threats, such as the imposition of the selective consumption tax and the weaknesses in the level of service, for this reason, this thesis is focused and in designing action plans that Decrease its impact. Finally, it is identified as the main tool for the growth and sustainability of the organization, its ability to develop and promote responsible gambling, thus changing.
Palabras clave
Juegos de azar--Perú, Planificación estratégica