Business consulting – Ibe Contratistas Generales S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Ibe Contratistas Generales S.A.C. es una organización de capital peruano que se
ha enfocado en el sector inmobiliario y construcción, y cuenta con más de 13 años de
amplia experiencia en el rubro por todos los servicios que ofrece. El objetivo de la
presente consultoría fue de identificar el problema clave que no le está permitiendo a
Ibe Contratistas Generales alcanzar los márgenes de rentabilidad esperados, y cumplir
con lo estipulado en los contratos ganados correspondientes a las licitaciones
participadas. Por ello, se han analizado las principales causas que generan el problema
identificado, en base al estudio interno realizado y a las entrevistas y reuniones con el
equipo estratégico de Ibe Contratistas Generales S.A.C. Por otro lado, se encontró que
la causa raíz del problema está relacionada al crecimiento del presupuesto designado al
levantamiento de observaciones en obra, esto como producto de una insuficiente
revisión e interpretación de expedientes y planos, así como también, al insuficiente
personal para el seguimiento y control de calidad y la falta de comunicación entre las
En la presente consultoría se proponen iniciativas para reforzar la gestión de la
construcción, a través de la implementación del software Fieldwire, y con ello la
posibilidad de visualizar en tiempo real de todas las observaciones producidas, el
seguimiento y control de las tareas asignadas para el levantamiento de observaciones. El
costo total de la implementación del software es de S/ 102,658.08 y se espera lograr
ahorros hasta en 18% correspondientes al presupuesto de Calidad, es decir, S/59,760,70.
Con respecto al ahorro en observaciones no planificadas, se espera ahorrar hasta en un
S/ 671,562.24, es decir, 3% de reducción en un escenario optimista. Lo anteriormente
mencionado conllevará a que la empresa alcance sus objetivos de rentabilidad y logre la
sostenibilidad deseada en el tiempo.
Ibe General Contractors S.A.C. is a Peruvian capital organization that has focused on the real estate and construction sector, and has more than 13 years of extensive experience in the field for all the services it offers. The objective of this consultancy was to identify the key problem that is not allowing Ibe Contratistas Generales to reach the expected profit margins, and to comply with the provisions of the contracts won corresponding to the participated tenders. For this reason, the main causes that generate the identified problem have been analyzed, based on the internal study carried out and the interviews and meetings with the strategic team of Ibe Contratistas Generales S.A.C. On the other hand, it was found that the root cause of the problem is related to the growth of the budget allocated to the collection of observations on site, this as a result of insufficient review and interpretation of files and plans, as well as insufficient personnel for follow-up. and quality control and the lack of communication between the areas. In this consultancy, initiatives are proposed to reinforce construction management, through the implementation of Fieldwire software, and with it the possibility of visualizing in real time all the observations produced, the monitoring and control of the tasks assigned for the Rising observations. The total cost of software implementation is S/ 102,658.08 and it is expected to achieve savings of up to 18% corresponding to the quality budget, that is, S/ 59,760.70. With regard to savings in unplanned observations, it is expected to save up to S/ 671,562.24, that is, a 3% reduction in an optimistic scenario. The aforementioned will lead to the company reaching its profitability objectives and achieving the desired sustainability over time.
Ibe General Contractors S.A.C. is a Peruvian capital organization that has focused on the real estate and construction sector, and has more than 13 years of extensive experience in the field for all the services it offers. The objective of this consultancy was to identify the key problem that is not allowing Ibe Contratistas Generales to reach the expected profit margins, and to comply with the provisions of the contracts won corresponding to the participated tenders. For this reason, the main causes that generate the identified problem have been analyzed, based on the internal study carried out and the interviews and meetings with the strategic team of Ibe Contratistas Generales S.A.C. On the other hand, it was found that the root cause of the problem is related to the growth of the budget allocated to the collection of observations on site, this as a result of insufficient review and interpretation of files and plans, as well as insufficient personnel for follow-up. and quality control and the lack of communication between the areas. In this consultancy, initiatives are proposed to reinforce construction management, through the implementation of Fieldwire software, and with it the possibility of visualizing in real time all the observations produced, the monitoring and control of the tasks assigned for the Rising observations. The total cost of software implementation is S/ 102,658.08 and it is expected to achieve savings of up to 18% corresponding to the quality budget, that is, S/ 59,760.70. With regard to savings in unplanned observations, it is expected to save up to S/ 671,562.24, that is, a 3% reduction in an optimistic scenario. The aforementioned will lead to the company reaching its profitability objectives and achieving the desired sustainability over time.