Propuesta de plataforma digital para el desarrollo de conocimientos de negocio de las Microemprendedoras de PROMUC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La frase “Perú, país de emprendedores” se sustenta en que somos el quinto país con
mayor número de emprendimientos a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, el hecho de que estos
emprendimientos se mantengan en el tiempo es sumamente retador. De cada cien negocios
solo treinta y ocho pueden establecerse en un periodo de tres años y medio (Serida J., 2017).
Dentro del mundo del emprendimiento, las mujeres cobran un rol importante ya que
equilibran sus roles de amas de casa, madres, esposas y dueñas de sus negocios. El 40.9% de
emprendimientos son gestionados por mujeres (RPP, 2020). Y son estos negocios los que
permiten que las mujeres brinden crecimiento y bienestar a sus familias.
Existen varias dificultades que abordan los emprendimientos para poder prosperar, y
específicamente nuestra solución “SAMI” pretende resolver el problema de la brecha de
conocimiento a través del uso y acceso a esta herramienta tecnológica con el fin de que las
microemprendedoras puedan gestionar mejor sus negocios a través de la aplicación de
estrategias de marketing, finanzas, operativas, entre otras. Esta plataforma conectará a las
usuarias de distintas ONG’s asociadas a la red de PROMUC que poseen créditos en sus
bancos comunales con información de su evaluación financiera, testimonios de casos de éxito
de otras microemprendedoras, entrenamientos on-line y asesorías personalizadas.
La inversión que requiere implementar “SAMI” es de S/150,390.88 y como resultados
financieros se pretende alcanzar un VAN de S/308,824.32, TIR de 44.77 % y una
recuperación en 2.78 años. Así también, se espera tener un impacto social en la mejora y
crecimiento de los emprendimientos. Al finalizar el año cinco, se tiene el objetivo de
aumentar en 50% la rentabilidad promedio de los negocios, reducir en 24% la tasa de
morosidad con las ONG’s donde poseen créditos y reducir el cierre de microemprendimientos
en 25%.
The phrase "Peru, country of entrepreneurs" is based on the fact that we are the fifth country with the highest number of entrepreneurs in the world. However, the fact that these ventures are sustained over time is extremely challenging. Out of every one hundred businesses, only thirty-eight can be established in a period of three and a half years (Serida J., 2017). Within the world of entrepreneurship, women play an important role as they balance their roles as housewives, mothers, wives and owners of their businesses. 40.9% of enterprises are managed by women (RPP, 2020). And these businesses are the ones that allow women to bring growth and well-being to their families. As already mentioned, there are several difficulties that enterprises face in order to prosper, and specifically our "SAMI" solution aims to solve the problem of the knowledge gap through the use and access to this technological tool so that microentrepreneurs can better manage their business through the application of marketing, financial and operational strategies, among others. This platform will connect the users of different NGO's associated with the PROMUC network who have loans in their community banks with information from their financier, testimonies of success stories from other microentrepreneurs, on-line training and personalized advice. The investment required to implement "SAMI" is S/150,390.88 and as financial results it is intended to reach a NPV of S/362,905.75, IRR of 49.02% and have 2.78 years as a payback period. Likewise, it is expected to have a social impact on the improvement and growth of the enterprises. At the end of year five, it is expected to increase the average profitability of businesses by 50%, reduce the delinquency rate with NGOs where they have loans by 24% and reduce the closure of microenterprises by 25%.
The phrase "Peru, country of entrepreneurs" is based on the fact that we are the fifth country with the highest number of entrepreneurs in the world. However, the fact that these ventures are sustained over time is extremely challenging. Out of every one hundred businesses, only thirty-eight can be established in a period of three and a half years (Serida J., 2017). Within the world of entrepreneurship, women play an important role as they balance their roles as housewives, mothers, wives and owners of their businesses. 40.9% of enterprises are managed by women (RPP, 2020). And these businesses are the ones that allow women to bring growth and well-being to their families. As already mentioned, there are several difficulties that enterprises face in order to prosper, and specifically our "SAMI" solution aims to solve the problem of the knowledge gap through the use and access to this technological tool so that microentrepreneurs can better manage their business through the application of marketing, financial and operational strategies, among others. This platform will connect the users of different NGO's associated with the PROMUC network who have loans in their community banks with information from their financier, testimonies of success stories from other microentrepreneurs, on-line training and personalized advice. The investment required to implement "SAMI" is S/150,390.88 and as financial results it is intended to reach a NPV of S/362,905.75, IRR of 49.02% and have 2.78 years as a payback period. Likewise, it is expected to have a social impact on the improvement and growth of the enterprises. At the end of year five, it is expected to increase the average profitability of businesses by 50%, reduce the delinquency rate with NGOs where they have loans by 24% and reduce the closure of microenterprises by 25%.
Palabras clave
Emprendimiento (Administración), Mujeres--Trabajo--Perú, Innovaciones tecnológicas