Concepciones sobre las relaciones de pareja de adultas y adultos emergentes participantes en voluntariados de género
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las concepciones son las estructuras mentales que organizan un conjunto de creencias
construidas socialmente, las cuales son consideradas ciertas acerca de la realidad; dado que
suelen brindar explicaciones a los fenómenos o hechos que experimenta cada individuo.
Partiendo de esto, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar las concepciones acerca
las relaciones de pareja de las adultas y adultos emergentes participantes en voluntariados de
Para alcanzar el objetivo mencionado se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a once
participantes integrantes de voluntariados de género mediante la metodología cualitativa.
Siguiendo esta línea, los resultados se presentaron en tres áreas, que contienen a su vez subáreas
más específicas. En la primera, las y los participantes valoraron las relaciones de pareja como
vínculos co-construidos que suelen estar influidos por los roles y dinámicas de género
tradicionales. En la segunda, se destacó que los entornos familiares, educativos y mediáticos
promueven el discurso heteronormativo como el único válido respecto de las relaciones de
pareja romántica y en la tercera, se describió al voluntariado como un espacio de oportunidad
para realizar los procesos de deconstrucción, autoconocimiento y desarrollo de conciencia
social necesarios para cambiar las concepciones propias. Los hallazgos sugieren que las
concepciones se caracterizan por valorar positivamente el esquema clásico de una pareja
estable y monógama, sin que esto implique dejar de lado un constante cuestionamiento de las
conductas sexistas y violentas que puedan llegar a identificar en una potencial pareja.
Conceptions are the mental structures that organize a set of socially constructed beliefs, which are considered true about reality; given that they usually provide explanations to the phenomena or facts experienced by each one. Starting from this, the present investigation aimed to analyze the conceptions about the relationships of the emerging adults participating in gender volunteering. To seek this objective, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven participants in gender volunteering following a qualitative methodology. Following this line, the results were presented in three areas, which in turn contained more specific subareas: In the first one, participants valued couple relationships as co-constructed bonds that are usually influenced by traditional gender roles and dynamics. In the second one, it was highlighted that family, educational and media environments promote heteronormative discourse as the only valid one regarding romantic couple relationships. In the last one, volunteering was described as a space of opportunity to carry out deconstruction processes, knowledge, and the development of social awareness necessary to change one's own conceptions. The findings suggest that the conceptions are characterized by positively valuing the classic scheme of a stable and monogamous couple, without this implying leaving aside a constant questioning of the sexist and violent behaviours that they may identify in their potentials partners.
Conceptions are the mental structures that organize a set of socially constructed beliefs, which are considered true about reality; given that they usually provide explanations to the phenomena or facts experienced by each one. Starting from this, the present investigation aimed to analyze the conceptions about the relationships of the emerging adults participating in gender volunteering. To seek this objective, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven participants in gender volunteering following a qualitative methodology. Following this line, the results were presented in three areas, which in turn contained more specific subareas: In the first one, participants valued couple relationships as co-constructed bonds that are usually influenced by traditional gender roles and dynamics. In the second one, it was highlighted that family, educational and media environments promote heteronormative discourse as the only valid one regarding romantic couple relationships. In the last one, volunteering was described as a space of opportunity to carry out deconstruction processes, knowledge, and the development of social awareness necessary to change one's own conceptions. The findings suggest that the conceptions are characterized by positively valuing the classic scheme of a stable and monogamous couple, without this implying leaving aside a constant questioning of the sexist and violent behaviours that they may identify in their potentials partners.
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