Modelo prolab: Implementación de centro especializado multidisciplinario e integral para niños con Trastorno Espectro Autista (TEA)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Tomando como referencia la prevalencia estadística de la Organización Mundial de la
Salud, se estima una prevalencia para el Perú de niños de hasta 11 años, con Trastorno Espectro
Autista (TEA) de 96,487. Sin embargo, según el último censo nacional realizado por el Consejo
Nacional para la Integración de la Persona con Discapacidad solo se tiene inscritos a 3,291 niños
con el TEA. Sin embargo, esta cifra viene creciendo a razón del 13% anual, los mismos que
demandan una atención especializada desde una edad temprana. No obstante, se observa la
existencia de solo 22 centros que atienden distintas discapacidades mentales, de los cuales solo
seis de ellos otorgan tratamiento del TEA. Cabe indicar, que el problema tratado en el proyecto
se encuentra alineado a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas.
Del análisis de mercado realizado con las clínicas, al análisis PESTEL y de PORTER, se
concluye que existe un mercado de pacientes con TEA en crecimiento, además de una demanda
insatisfecha. Asimismo, existen limitaciones por parte de los padres por falta de apoyo del
gobierno, de acuerdo a lo expresado en abril de 2022, por el Mecanismo Independiente
encargado de promover, proteger y supervisar la aplicación en el Estado Peruano de la
Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (MICDPD) de la Defensoría
del Pueblo, los costos elevados, el desconocimiento social para la inclusión de los niños y la
carencia de la innovación por parte de los centros por falta de experiencia especializada.
Respecto a la investigación del usuario se realizaron encuestas a veinte padres de niños
con TEA, lo cual permitió conocer sus experiencias, expectativas, frustraciones, preferencias,
necesidades y de esta manera plantear soluciones al problema identificado. Asimismo, el
resultado del diseño del producto permite concluir la necesidad de la implementación de un
Centro Especializado Multidisciplinario e Integral enfocado en niños con TEA de hasta once
Finalmente, el modelo de negocio planteado es viable y rentable, el cual se sustenta en la
validación de la deseabilidad, factibilidad y sostenibilidad de la solución planteada.
Taking as a reference the statistical prevalence of the World Health Organization, it is estimated that the prevalence of children up to 11 years of age with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Peru is 96,487. However, according to the latest national census conducted by the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, only 3,291 children with ASD are registered. However, this number is growing at a rate of 13% per year, and these children require specialized care from an early age. However, there are only 22 centers providing care for different mental disabilities, of which only six offer treatment for ASD. It should be noted that the issue addressed in the project is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. From the market analysis conducted with the clinics, the PESTEL and PORTER analysis, it is concluded that there is a growing market for patients with ASD, as well as an unsatisfied demand. Likewise, there are limitations on the part of parents due to the lack of governmental support, as expressed in April 2022, by the Independent Mechanism in charge of promoting, protecting, and supervising the application in the Peruvian State of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (MICDPD) of the Ombudsman's Office, high costs, social ignorance for the inclusion of children and lack of innovation by the centers due to the lack of specialized experience. Regarding user research, surveys were conducted with twenty parents of children with ASD, which allowed us to learn about their experiences, expectations, frustrations, preferences, needs and thus propose solutions to the identified problem. Likewise, the result of the product design allows us to conclude the need for the implementation of a Multidisciplinary and Integral Specialized Center focused on children with ASD up to eleven years old. Finally, the proposed business model is viable and profitable, which is based on the validation of the convenience, feasibility, and sustainability of the proposed solution.
Taking as a reference the statistical prevalence of the World Health Organization, it is estimated that the prevalence of children up to 11 years of age with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Peru is 96,487. However, according to the latest national census conducted by the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, only 3,291 children with ASD are registered. However, this number is growing at a rate of 13% per year, and these children require specialized care from an early age. However, there are only 22 centers providing care for different mental disabilities, of which only six offer treatment for ASD. It should be noted that the issue addressed in the project is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. From the market analysis conducted with the clinics, the PESTEL and PORTER analysis, it is concluded that there is a growing market for patients with ASD, as well as an unsatisfied demand. Likewise, there are limitations on the part of parents due to the lack of governmental support, as expressed in April 2022, by the Independent Mechanism in charge of promoting, protecting, and supervising the application in the Peruvian State of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (MICDPD) of the Ombudsman's Office, high costs, social ignorance for the inclusion of children and lack of innovation by the centers due to the lack of specialized experience. Regarding user research, surveys were conducted with twenty parents of children with ASD, which allowed us to learn about their experiences, expectations, frustrations, preferences, needs and thus propose solutions to the identified problem. Likewise, the result of the product design allows us to conclude the need for the implementation of a Multidisciplinary and Integral Specialized Center focused on children with ASD up to eleven years old. Finally, the proposed business model is viable and profitable, which is based on the validation of the convenience, feasibility, and sustainability of the proposed solution.
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