Percepciones docentes de la lectura y escritura emergente en el contexto de la educación remota
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo analizar las percepciones docentes sobre el
proceso de adquisición de la lectura y escritura emergente en niños de 5 años en el
contexto de la educación remota. La motivación para su elaboración es la relevancia
que tiene la lectura y escritura emergente en el desarrollo del ser humano por su
intencionalidad comunicativa y cómo se puede percibir el proceso de adquisición de
estos aprendizajes mediante diferentes enfoques en la coyuntura actual. Asimismo,
esta investigación es de enfoque cualitativo y de tipo descriptiva, porque busca
analizar y comprender a profundidad un fenómeno de la realidad educativa sin
modificarlo. Además, se emplea una única técnica e instrumento para recoger la
información, la entrevista y la guía de entrevista semiestructurada, respectivamente,
y los datos recolectados de cinco profesoras se organizan en una matriz de análisis.
Como conclusión, las docentes combinan los enfoques de aprendizaje constructivo y
sociocultural en sus percepciones sobre el proceso de adquisición de la lectura y
escritura emergente, y solo una docente prioriza el enfoque cognitivo en sus
percepciones sobre dichos aprendizajes. También, se concluye que la educación
remota modifica el rol de los padres, convirtiéndolos en guías para el aprendizaje que
desde el desconocimiento interrumpen el proceso de adquisición de la lectura y
escritura emergente. Finalmente, se recomienda a los interesados en el tema
continuar con otras investigaciones sobre la importancia y los resultados que brindan
las prácticas sociales en el proceso de adquisición de la lectura y escritura emergente.
The present thesis aims to analyze teacher perceptions on the acquisition process of emergent reading and writing in 5-year-old children in the context of remote education. The motivation for its development is the relevance of emerging literacy in the development of the human being due to its communicative intentionality and how the process of acquiring these learnings can be perceived through different approaches in the current situation. Likewise, this research has a qualitative approach and it is descriptive, because it seeks to analyze and understand in depth a phenomenon of educational reality without modifying it. In addition, a single technique and instrument is used to collect the information, the interview and the semi-structured interview guide, respectively, and the data collected from five teachers is organized in an analysis matrix. In conclusion, the teachers combine constructive and sociocultural learning approaches in their perceptions of the emerging literacy acquisition process, and only one teacher prioritizes the cognitive approach in her perceptions of said learning. Besides, it is concluded that remote education modifies the role of parents, turning them into guides for learning, and from ignorance, they interrupt the process of acquisition of emerging reading and writing. Finally, those interested in the subject are recommended to continue with other research on the importance and results that social practices provide in the process of acquisition of emerging literacy.
The present thesis aims to analyze teacher perceptions on the acquisition process of emergent reading and writing in 5-year-old children in the context of remote education. The motivation for its development is the relevance of emerging literacy in the development of the human being due to its communicative intentionality and how the process of acquiring these learnings can be perceived through different approaches in the current situation. Likewise, this research has a qualitative approach and it is descriptive, because it seeks to analyze and understand in depth a phenomenon of educational reality without modifying it. In addition, a single technique and instrument is used to collect the information, the interview and the semi-structured interview guide, respectively, and the data collected from five teachers is organized in an analysis matrix. In conclusion, the teachers combine constructive and sociocultural learning approaches in their perceptions of the emerging literacy acquisition process, and only one teacher prioritizes the cognitive approach in her perceptions of said learning. Besides, it is concluded that remote education modifies the role of parents, turning them into guides for learning, and from ignorance, they interrupt the process of acquisition of emerging reading and writing. Finally, those interested in the subject are recommended to continue with other research on the importance and results that social practices provide in the process of acquisition of emerging literacy.
Palabras clave
Educación a distancia, Tecnología educativa, Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza, Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza, Currículo, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Educación
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