Reporte de consultoría para Ausa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se tiene como fin mostrar el análisis hecho a Ausa, operador
logístico con 40 años y líder del sector, dedicado a las operaciones de comercio exterior de
ingreso y salidas de mercancías del país. Se identificó que el problema de Ausa es la
disminución de la rentabilidad del negocio de Aduanas en los últimos tres años, debido al
exceso de ofertantes, problemas administrativos y operativos internos. Después de la
ponderación de todas las alternativas de solución, se determinó que son tres las de mayor
significancia; control de líneas de crédito, concentración de las operaciones en menos
depósitos temporales y el despacho virtual. Posteriormente, al ejecutarse estos tres
ambiciosos proyectos, se estima tener un ROI de 36% al cierre de los dos periodos estimados
y considerando la coyuntura del Covid-19, lo que mejoraría la participación y rentabilidad de
Ausa en el sector. Los proyectos en mención son acompañados por un Gantt de seguimiento
para que la dirección de la compañía vea el avance e impacto de los resultados obtenidos.
Todo ello, con el fin de cumplir con la visión de ser el mejor operador logístico de clase
mundial en el Perú con la rentabilidad y el servicio esperado.
The purpose of this work is to show the analysis made to Ausa, a logistics operator with 40 years and a leader in the sector, dedicated to foreign trade operations of entry and exit of goods from the country. Ausa's problem was identified as the decrease in profitability of the Customs business in the last three years, due to the excess of bidders, internal administrative and operational problems. After weighing all the solution alternatives, it was determined that they are the three of greatest significance; control of credit lines, concentration of operations in fewer temporary distributions and virtual dispatch. Subsequently, when executing these three ambitious projects, it is estimated to have an ROI of 36% of the two period of the projects, considering the situation of the Covid-19, which would improve Ausa's participation and profitability in the sector. The mentioned projects are accompanied by a monitoring Gantt so that the company management can see the progress and impact of the results obtained. All this, in order to fulfill the vision of being the best world-class logistics operator in Peru with the expected profitability and service.
The purpose of this work is to show the analysis made to Ausa, a logistics operator with 40 years and a leader in the sector, dedicated to foreign trade operations of entry and exit of goods from the country. Ausa's problem was identified as the decrease in profitability of the Customs business in the last three years, due to the excess of bidders, internal administrative and operational problems. After weighing all the solution alternatives, it was determined that they are the three of greatest significance; control of credit lines, concentration of operations in fewer temporary distributions and virtual dispatch. Subsequently, when executing these three ambitious projects, it is estimated to have an ROI of 36% of the two period of the projects, considering the situation of the Covid-19, which would improve Ausa's participation and profitability in the sector. The mentioned projects are accompanied by a monitoring Gantt so that the company management can see the progress and impact of the results obtained. All this, in order to fulfill the vision of being the best world-class logistics operator in Peru with the expected profitability and service.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas, Logística empresarial