Informe sobre la Resolución N° 1121-2020/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objetivo analizar los aspectos jurídicamente relevantes de
la Resolución N°. 1121-2020/SPC-INDECOPI; en la cual la Sala Especializada en
Protección al Consumidor del Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la
Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Indecopi) aborda el tema de discriminación en el
consumo por motivo de sexo, específicamente, en el caso de un hombre al que se le
denegó el uso de la fila de trato preferente por no tener la condición de mujer, pese a que
llevaba a su menor hijo en brazos.
En tal sentido, el presente informe examinará los argumentos desarrollados por Indecopi
y por las partes para solucionar la controversia. Por tal motivo, se revisará la figura de la
discriminación en el consumo tanto en la doctrina como en las resoluciones del Indecopi
y el Tribunal Constitucional. Además, se analizará si la parte denunciada también habría
podido incurrir en una presunta infracción al trato preferente. También se examinará si
los medios probatorios presentados por la parte denunciante fueron suficientes para
acreditar la conducta infractora.
The aim of this report is to go over the legally relevant aspects of Resolution N°. 1121- 2020/SPC-INDECOPI; in which the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection of the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) addresses the issue of discrimination in consumption based on sex, specifically, in the case of a man who was denied the use of the preferential treatment row for not having the status of a woman, despite the fact that he was carrying his child in his arms. In that regard, this report will examine the arguments presented by Indecopi and by the parties to resolve the controversy. Accordingly, the figure of discrimination in consumption will be reviewed in the doctrine and in the resolutions of Indecopi and the Constitutional Court. Furthermore, a subject to be analyzed is whether the accused party could have also incurred in an alleged violation of preferential treatment. It will also be examined whether the evidence presented by the complaining party was sufficient to prove the offending conduct.
The aim of this report is to go over the legally relevant aspects of Resolution N°. 1121- 2020/SPC-INDECOPI; in which the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection of the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) addresses the issue of discrimination in consumption based on sex, specifically, in the case of a man who was denied the use of the preferential treatment row for not having the status of a woman, despite the fact that he was carrying his child in his arms. In that regard, this report will examine the arguments presented by Indecopi and by the parties to resolve the controversy. Accordingly, the figure of discrimination in consumption will be reviewed in the doctrine and in the resolutions of Indecopi and the Constitutional Court. Furthermore, a subject to be analyzed is whether the accused party could have also incurred in an alleged violation of preferential treatment. It will also be examined whether the evidence presented by the complaining party was sufficient to prove the offending conduct.