Modelo prolab: AQP compost, una propuesta sostenible para mejorar la calidad de la producción agrícola
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La generación de residuos en Arequipa es un tema que va alcanzando mayor relevancia
entre los ciudadanos debido a los impactos que genera la contaminación y el desborde de los
verteros debido a la cantidad de residuos que se generan diariamente, entre dichos impactos se
pueden mencionar: La generación de focos infecciosos debido a la cantidad de basura acumulada,
los cuales promueven la aparición de insectos y roedores, los cuales se convierten en vectores de
enfermedades; asimismo, la cantidad de basura acumulada produce la degradación de suelos, lo
cual los vuelve estériles y genera la pérdida del valor del suelo; por otro lado, se pueden mencionar
la emisión de gases contaminantes, malos olores, elevación de la temperatura atmosférica,
presencia de polvo y partículas contaminantes, entre otros; todo ello, afectando la calidad de vida
de la población arequipeña, en especial de las personas que viven cerca a los principales botaderos
de la ciudad.
En el año 2021, se generó en promedio 1.59 kg de residuos por día por cada habitante
(Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa, 2017). Asimismo, Campos (2022) detalla que el 55.05%
del total de los residuos que se generan diariamente son residuos sólidos orgánicos, los cuales no
se aprovechan. A dicha problemática, se suma la baja oferta de fertilizantes sintéticos los cuales
se vienen ofertando a precios elevados que no pueden ser costeados por los agricultores, por lo
que, ante ambos problemas nace “AQP Compost”, un compost orgánico que reemplazará a los
fertilizantes sintéticos a través de un impacto positivo en la sociedad y en el medio ambiente.
Como parte del desarrollo del proyecto, se definió el proyecto en base a la elaboración del
compost y se realizó un análisis del mercado en el que se evidenció que no existen grandes
competidores en el rubro como para abarcar toda la demanda, razón por la cual el proyecto puede
llevarse a cabo. Asimismo, mediante la investigación del usuario se identificó que el proyecto estaría orientado principalmente a agricultores, así como a jardineros, amas de casa,
municipalidades y otros usuarios interesados en el abono de sus cultivos, logrando diseñar un
producto y dos servicios, los cuales se plasmaron en el lienzo del modelo de negocio.
Como resultado, se determinó que el proyecto es deseable, factible y viable, generando un
VAN Financiero de S/. 4,156,019 equivalente a $1,079,485.39 y un VAN social de social de S/
4,375,999.51, equivalente a $ 1,136,623.25, logrando abordar el ODS 3 Salud y bienestar, ODS
12 Producción y Consumo Responsables y ODS 13 Acción por el clima.
The generation of waste in Arequipa is an issue that is becoming more relevant among citizens due to the impacts generated by pollution and overflow of landfills due to the amount of waste generated daily, among these impacts can be mentioned: The generation of infectious foci due to the amount of accumulated garbage, which promote the appearance of insects and rodents, which become vectors of diseases; likewise, the amount of accumulated garbage produces soil degradation, which makes them sterile and generates the loss of soil value; In addition, the amount of garbage accumulated causes soil degradation, which makes it infertile and generates a loss of soil value; on the other hand, the emission of contaminating gases, bad odors, higher atmospheric temperatures, and the presence of dust and contaminating particles, among others, affect the quality of life of the Arequipa population, especially those living near the city's main dumps. In 2021, an average of 1.59 kg of waste was generated per day per inhabitant (Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa, 2017). Likewise, Campos (2022) details that 55.05% of the total waste generated daily is organic solid waste, which is not used. In addition to this problem, there is a low supply of synthetic fertilizers, which are being offered at high prices that farmers cannot afford, which is why "AQP Compost", an organic compost that will replace synthetic fertilizers through a positive impact on society and the environment, was created in response to these two problems. As part of the development of the project, the project was defined based on the production of compost and a market analysis was carried out, which showed that there are no major competitors in the field to cover the entire demand, which is why the project can be carried out. Likewise, through user research it was identified that the project would be oriented mainly to farmers, as well as gardeners, housewives, municipalities and other users interested in fertilizing their crops, managing to design a product and two services, which were reflected in the canvas of the business model. As a result, it was determined that the project is desirable, feasible and viable, generating a financial NPV of S/. 4,156,019 its equivalent of $1,079,485.39 and a social NPV of S/ 4,375,999.51, equivalent to $ 1,136,623.25, achieving to address SDG 3 Health and well-being, SDG 12 Responsible Production and Consumption and SDG 13 Climate Action.
The generation of waste in Arequipa is an issue that is becoming more relevant among citizens due to the impacts generated by pollution and overflow of landfills due to the amount of waste generated daily, among these impacts can be mentioned: The generation of infectious foci due to the amount of accumulated garbage, which promote the appearance of insects and rodents, which become vectors of diseases; likewise, the amount of accumulated garbage produces soil degradation, which makes them sterile and generates the loss of soil value; In addition, the amount of garbage accumulated causes soil degradation, which makes it infertile and generates a loss of soil value; on the other hand, the emission of contaminating gases, bad odors, higher atmospheric temperatures, and the presence of dust and contaminating particles, among others, affect the quality of life of the Arequipa population, especially those living near the city's main dumps. In 2021, an average of 1.59 kg of waste was generated per day per inhabitant (Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa, 2017). Likewise, Campos (2022) details that 55.05% of the total waste generated daily is organic solid waste, which is not used. In addition to this problem, there is a low supply of synthetic fertilizers, which are being offered at high prices that farmers cannot afford, which is why "AQP Compost", an organic compost that will replace synthetic fertilizers through a positive impact on society and the environment, was created in response to these two problems. As part of the development of the project, the project was defined based on the production of compost and a market analysis was carried out, which showed that there are no major competitors in the field to cover the entire demand, which is why the project can be carried out. Likewise, through user research it was identified that the project would be oriented mainly to farmers, as well as gardeners, housewives, municipalities and other users interested in fertilizing their crops, managing to design a product and two services, which were reflected in the canvas of the business model. As a result, it was determined that the project is desirable, feasible and viable, generating a financial NPV of S/. 4,156,019 its equivalent of $1,079,485.39 and a social NPV of S/ 4,375,999.51, equivalent to $ 1,136,623.25, achieving to address SDG 3 Health and well-being, SDG 12 Responsible Production and Consumption and SDG 13 Climate Action.
Palabras clave
Residuos orgánicos, Compost--Proyectos, Agroindustria--Perú--Arequipa
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