Víctimas de abuso sexual especialmente vulnerables: obtención del testimonio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En los delitos sexuales, las características especiales de algunas personas las convierten en víctimas potencialmente vulnerables. Ante la responsabilidad y obligatoriedad legislativa de actuar de manera inmediata en defensa de sus derechos y garantizar su protección, los profesionales del contexto policial y judicial que intervienen en la obtención del testimonio tienen el reto de adaptar los procedimientos para la obtención y evaluación de sus testimonios. Las investigaciones previas confirman desinformación y consiguiente mala praxis policial y judicial en los casos de abuso sexual a víctimas especialmente vulnerables: alta demora en las denuncias, repetición de interrogatorios y uso de preguntas inadecuadas. En el presente artículo se analizan todos estos factores de influencia y se dan algunas recomendaciones para mejorar los procedimientos de obtención de sus testimonios. Finalmente, se alerta sobre la posible sugestión que podría derivarse del mal uso de procedimientos que pretenden mejorar la cantidad de información recuperada, pero que pueden contribuir a generar falsas memorias.
In sexual crimes, the special characteristics of some people make them potentially vulnerable victims. Faced with the responsibility and legislative obligation to act immediately in defense of their rights and guarantee their protection, the professionals of the police and judicial context who intervene in obtaining the testimony have the challenge to adapt the procedures for obtaining and evaluating their testimonies. Previous investigations confirm misinformation and consequent police and judicial malpractice in cases of sexual abuse of especially vulnerable victims: high delay in complaints, repeated interrogations and use of inappropriate questions. This article analyzes all these influencing factors and gives some recommendations to improve the procedures for obtaining their testimonies. Finally, it warns about the possible suggestion that could derive from the misuse of procedures that seek to improve the amount of information recovered, but that can contribute to generating false memories.
In sexual crimes, the special characteristics of some people make them potentially vulnerable victims. Faced with the responsibility and legislative obligation to act immediately in defense of their rights and guarantee their protection, the professionals of the police and judicial context who intervene in obtaining the testimony have the challenge to adapt the procedures for obtaining and evaluating their testimonies. Previous investigations confirm misinformation and consequent police and judicial malpractice in cases of sexual abuse of especially vulnerable victims: high delay in complaints, repeated interrogations and use of inappropriate questions. This article analyzes all these influencing factors and gives some recommendations to improve the procedures for obtaining their testimonies. Finally, it warns about the possible suggestion that could derive from the misuse of procedures that seek to improve the amount of information recovered, but that can contribute to generating false memories.
Palabras clave
Testimonio, Víctima, Abuso sexual, Menores de edad, Discapacidad intelectual
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