Gestión de riesgos de mercado en la cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Huayna Cápac
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Huayna Cápac Ltda, que pertenece al sector de
microfinanzas en Perú, no gestiona los riesgos de mercado en la actualidad, por lo cual este
trabajo pretende proponer un modelo de gestión de riesgos de mercado según la naturaleza de
sus operaciones. Dado que los resultados financieros de dicha entidad se vieron afectados
negativamente durante los últimos años por fluctuaciones de los precios de mercado y
considerando la nueva supervisión directa por parte de la Superintendencia de Banca,
Seguros y AFP (SBS), resulta relevante el desarrollo de tal modelo. Dicho modelo conlleva,
en primer lugar, identificar los principales riesgos de mercado que enfrenta la compañía para
luego aplicar herramientas de medición y control apoyados en buenas prácticas
internacionales, a saber: el Valor en Riesgo, análisis de brechas, análisis de escenarios, entre
otros. Finalmente, se recomiendan lineamientos que garanticen el seguimiento continuo y la
gestión eficaz de los riesgos de mercado identificados.
The credit union Huayna Cápac Ltda. does currently not actively manage market risks; thus, this paper aims to describe the characteristics of an appropriate market risk management model for the company. Given that the credit union’s financial results were affected during the last years by fluctuations in market prices and further considering the new supervision by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP in Peru, it is important to develop such a model. This market risk model involves identifying the main market risks faced by the company and then applying measurement and control tools as proposed by international practices: Value at Risk, gap analysis, scenario analysis, among others. Finally, guidelines that guarantee a continuous monitoring and effective management of the identified market risks are recommended.
The credit union Huayna Cápac Ltda. does currently not actively manage market risks; thus, this paper aims to describe the characteristics of an appropriate market risk management model for the company. Given that the credit union’s financial results were affected during the last years by fluctuations in market prices and further considering the new supervision by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP in Peru, it is important to develop such a model. This market risk model involves identifying the main market risks faced by the company and then applying measurement and control tools as proposed by international practices: Value at Risk, gap analysis, scenario analysis, among others. Finally, guidelines that guarantee a continuous monitoring and effective management of the identified market risks are recommended.
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