Modelo Prolab:, una propuesta para mejorar la experiencia de compra de vehículos usados en la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú, durante el último año se registraron 496,701 transferencias de vehículos
livianos usados (AAP, 2024). Es común que se ofrezcan automóviles en perfectas
condiciones, pero a los pocos días se descubran fallas. Además, ciertos vendedores adulteran
el kilometraje para dar una falsa percepción de menor desgaste (Autofact, 2023). Esta falta de
información precisa sobre el estado de los vehículos genera gran incertidumbre entre los
En esta tesis se propone una alternativa para mejorar la experiencia de compra de
vehículos usados en Perú, abordando esta brecha. ofrecerá dos servicios
principales. El primero es una inspección completa, con una revisión exhaustiva del vehículo
y un informe detallado sobre su estado real. El segundo es un servicio integral de búsqueda y
revisión, asistiendo al usuario en todo el proceso de adquisición, incluyendo búsqueda,
selección, negociación de precio y asistencia legal.
La viabilidad económica de se proyecta a cinco años, con un capital
inicial de 299,250 soles. Se espera atender a 18,738 clientes en este periodo, logrando un
Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de S/5,211,564. En cuanto al impacto social,
contribuye a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 11, y 13, ofreciendo diagnósticos
detallados sobre emisiones de vehículos usados para mejorar la calidad del aire en las
ciudades (ODS 11) y reduciendo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero mediante
recomendaciones de vehículos más eficientes al momento de la adquisición (ODS 13).
In Perú, over the past year, 496,701 used light vehicle transfers were recorded (AAP, 2024). It is common for cars to be offered in perfect condition, but faults are discovered within a few days. Additionally, some sellers tamper with the odometer to give a false perception of lower wear and tear (Autofact, 2023). This lack of accurate information about the condition of vehicles generates significant uncertainty among buyers. This thesis proposes an alternative to improve the experience of buying used vehicles in Peru, addressing this gap. will offer two main services. The first is a complete inspection, which includes a thorough review of the vehicle and a detailed report on its actual condition. The second is an integrated search and review service, assisting the user throughout the entire acquisition process, including search, selection, price negotiation, and legal assistance. The economic viability of is projected over five years, with an initial capital of 299,250 soles. It is expected to serve 18,738 clients during this period, achieving a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/5,211,564. Regarding social impact, contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 13 by offering detailed diagnostics on used vehicle emissions to improve air quality in cities (SDG 11) and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by recommending more efficient vehicles during acquisition (SDG 13).
In Perú, over the past year, 496,701 used light vehicle transfers were recorded (AAP, 2024). It is common for cars to be offered in perfect condition, but faults are discovered within a few days. Additionally, some sellers tamper with the odometer to give a false perception of lower wear and tear (Autofact, 2023). This lack of accurate information about the condition of vehicles generates significant uncertainty among buyers. This thesis proposes an alternative to improve the experience of buying used vehicles in Peru, addressing this gap. will offer two main services. The first is a complete inspection, which includes a thorough review of the vehicle and a detailed report on its actual condition. The second is an integrated search and review service, assisting the user throughout the entire acquisition process, including search, selection, price negotiation, and legal assistance. The economic viability of is projected over five years, with an initial capital of 299,250 soles. It is expected to serve 18,738 clients during this period, achieving a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/5,211,564. Regarding social impact, contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 13 by offering detailed diagnostics on used vehicle emissions to improve air quality in cities (SDG 11) and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by recommending more efficient vehicles during acquisition (SDG 13).
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