Planeamiento estratégico para Confecciones Textimax S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis , Planeamiento Estratégico de Confecciones Textimax S.A, ha sido
desarrollada con el fin de darle un aporte a la empresa en mención y a la vez ayudarlo a ser
un referente importante dentro del sector de confecciones en nuestro país. Este plan busca
enfocarse en pilares importantes tales como: rentabilidad a la organización, satisfacer de
mejor forma a sus cliente, sostener y mejorar la política de responsabilidad social, desarrollo
de nuevos productos, diseños y marcas propias, de tal forma que la organización crezca en el
tiempo y mejore su participación en el mercado nacional e internacional.
El entorno donde se desenvuelve Confecciones Textimax es cambiante, dinámica y
altamente competitivo. En los últimos años se ha visto afectado por factores económicos
externos e internos, lo cual se ha visto reflejado en la reducción de las exportaciones. Para
poder entender de mejor forma el entorno, se ha realizado un análisis de todos los elementos
externos que afectan a la organización y de la competencia, de tal manera que se llegue a
conocer y comprender el sector, sus mercados y sus participantes, y así poder desarrollar las
condiciones internas requeridas para lograr el éxito y poder alcanzar la visión trazada.
Para desarrollar el plan estratégico, se ha seguido el modelo secuencial del proceso
estratégico (D'Alessio, 2012) a partir del cual se ha propuesto una nueva visión y misión,
valores y código de ética, a partir del cual han servido como pilares para el resto de análisis,
estrategias y objetivos propuestos. Con el estudio del entorno y el análisis interno se ha
podido identificar factores claves de éxito, que a su vez han servido para establecer
estrategias. Para ayudar a cumplir las estrategias, se han definido objetivos tanto largo como
a corto plazo, los cuales han sido distribuidos en un tablero de control balanceado, a fin de
controlar la puesta en marcha del plan.
Finalmente, el éxito en la implementación y ejecución de las estrategias planteadas
dependerán de la actitud y posición que tome la alta dirección de Confecciones Textimax ,
sobretodo en actitudes que ayuden el sostener el cambio. Asimismo, será muy importante
apoyar las diversas acciones asignado los recursos necesarios que garanticen su éxito;
mantener una buena relación e integración con los proveedores y siendo responsable con el
medio ambiente y la comunidad. Para el 2025, Confecciones Textimax no solo será un líder
y referente en el sector nacional sino en el extranjero, siendo responsable con sus
colaboradores, medioambiente y las comunidades
This thesis, Strategic Planning Confections Textimax S.A., has been developed in order to give a contribution to the company in question and at the same time help to be an important benchmark in the textile confections industry in our country. This plan seeks to focus on important pillars such as profitability to the organization better meet their customer, sustain and improve social responsibility policy, development of new products, designs and own brands, so that the organization grow time and improve their participation in national and international markets. The environment where Textimax Apparel operates is changing, dynamic and highly competitive. In recent years it has been affected by external and internal economic factors, which is reflected in reduced exports. In order to understand better how the environment, has performed an analysis of all external factors affecting the organization and competition, so they get to know and understand the industry, its markets and its participants, and so to develop the internal conditions required to achieve success and to achieve the vision outlined. To develop the strategic plan, it has followed the sequential model of the strategic process (D'Alessio, 2012) from which it has proposed a new vision and mission, values and code of ethics, from which served as pillars other analysis, strategies and objectives. With the study of the environment and the internal analysis it was able to identify key success factors, which in turn have served to establish strategies. To help meet strategies have been defined long and short term goals, which have been distributed in a balanced scoreboard control in order to control the implementation of the plan. Finally, the successful implementation and execution of the proposed strategies will depend on the attitude and position to take top management of Confecciones Textimax, especially in the attitudes that help sustain change. It will also be very important to support the various actions allocated the necessary resources to ensure its success; maintain a good relationship and integration with suppliers and being responsible with the environment and the community. For 2025, Clothing Textimax not only be a leader and benchmark in the domestic sector but also abroad, being responsible with their employees, the environment and communities
This thesis, Strategic Planning Confections Textimax S.A., has been developed in order to give a contribution to the company in question and at the same time help to be an important benchmark in the textile confections industry in our country. This plan seeks to focus on important pillars such as profitability to the organization better meet their customer, sustain and improve social responsibility policy, development of new products, designs and own brands, so that the organization grow time and improve their participation in national and international markets. The environment where Textimax Apparel operates is changing, dynamic and highly competitive. In recent years it has been affected by external and internal economic factors, which is reflected in reduced exports. In order to understand better how the environment, has performed an analysis of all external factors affecting the organization and competition, so they get to know and understand the industry, its markets and its participants, and so to develop the internal conditions required to achieve success and to achieve the vision outlined. To develop the strategic plan, it has followed the sequential model of the strategic process (D'Alessio, 2012) from which it has proposed a new vision and mission, values and code of ethics, from which served as pillars other analysis, strategies and objectives. With the study of the environment and the internal analysis it was able to identify key success factors, which in turn have served to establish strategies. To help meet strategies have been defined long and short term goals, which have been distributed in a balanced scoreboard control in order to control the implementation of the plan. Finally, the successful implementation and execution of the proposed strategies will depend on the attitude and position to take top management of Confecciones Textimax, especially in the attitudes that help sustain change. It will also be very important to support the various actions allocated the necessary resources to ensure its success; maintain a good relationship and integration with suppliers and being responsible with the environment and the community. For 2025, Clothing Textimax not only be a leader and benchmark in the domestic sector but also abroad, being responsible with their employees, the environment and communities
Palabras clave
Industria textil, Planificación estratégica
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