Nuevos datos y problemas sobre el Paijanense en el Chicama: aportes para una evaluación de la ocupación temprana en el norte del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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Se presenta información reciente sobre el Paijanense en el valle de Chicama que complementa la existente en la literatura arqueológica. En base a una revisión acerca de la ocupación del espacio, la información sobre los recursos y los bioindicadores, y la movilidad a través de corredores naturales, se discute el problema de los asentamientos y las probabilidades de un sedentarismo temprano. Se evalúa la función de las puntas de proyectil paijanenses para la caza y la necesidad de mayores investigaciones sobre esta cultura del Arcaico Temprano.
New Evidence and Problems Concerning the Paijanense in the Chicama Valley: Contributions to an Evaluation of Early Occupation in Northern PerúRecent information on the Paijanense in the Chicama valley is presented complementing the available data in the archaeological literature. In a review on spacial occupation, the information about the resources and the bioindicators, as well as the mobility through natural corridors, the problem of the settlement paterns and the probabilities for the early sedentarism is discussed. The function of projectile points for hunting as well as the necessity for more intensive investigations on this culture of the Early Archaic Period is also proposed.
New Evidence and Problems Concerning the Paijanense in the Chicama Valley: Contributions to an Evaluation of Early Occupation in Northern PerúRecent information on the Paijanense in the Chicama valley is presented complementing the available data in the archaeological literature. In a review on spacial occupation, the information about the resources and the bioindicators, as well as the mobility through natural corridors, the problem of the settlement paterns and the probabilities for the early sedentarism is discussed. The function of projectile points for hunting as well as the necessity for more intensive investigations on this culture of the Early Archaic Period is also proposed.
Palabras clave
Arqueología, Paijanense, Valle de Chicama, Subsistencia, Movilidad, Uso de Recursos, Archaeology, Paijanense, Chicama Valley, Subsistence, Mobility, Resource Use
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