Del papel a la realidad: Los factores que limitan la implementación de las políticas de lucha contra la anemia infantil en la región Amazonas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los últimos años, el Estado peruano ha incrementado notablemente los
esfuerzos por reducir la elevada prevalencia de anemia en el país. Es así, que se
vienen implementado diversas políticas desde el MIDIS, MINSA y MEF. Sin embargo,
tales esfuerzos no se han traducido en resultados satisfactorios. Por el contrario, la
prevalencia de la anemia en el Perú se mantiene constante. En esa línea, la región
Amazonas es representativa ya que posee el mayor incremento presupuestal e
índices de cobertura del Programa Presupuestal Articulado Nutricional (PAN), pero
que no se ven reflejados en los resultados debido a que la prevalencia de la anemia
no ha variado mucho en la región. Por ello, el presente estudio buscó determinar
cuáles son las razones de que la prevalencia de la anemia se mantenga a pesar de
los esfuerzos realizados. En los hallazgos obtenidos producto de la revisión de datos
y normas, entrevistas y vistas de campo se determinó que tales razones son la limitada
capacidad institucional, la débil coordinación entre las instituciones involucradas, la
falta de voluntad de los líderes políticos locales y regionales, la discrecionalidad del
personal de salud por cumplir metas, la no consideración del territorio y la cultura, el
limitado acceso al DNI a niños y niñas con anemia, y la oposición de las iglesias
evangélicas a las intervenciones estatales.
In recent years, the Peruvian State has notably increased its efforts to reduce the high prevalence of anemia in the country. This, various policies have been implemented by MIDIS, MINSA and MEF. However, such efforts have not led to satisfactory results. On the contrary, the prevalence of anemia in Peru remains constant. In this line, the Amazon is representative since it has the highest rates of budget increase and coverage of the Programa Presupuestal Articulado Nutricional (PAN), but these are not reflected in the results because the prevalence of anemia has not varied much in the region. Therefore, the present study sought to determine the reasons why the prevalence of anemia remains despite the efforts made. In the findings obtained as a result of the review of data and regulations, interviews and field visits, it was determined that such reasons are the limited institutional capacity, the weak coordination between the institutions involved, the lack of will of the local and regional politicians. leaders, the discretion of health personnel to meet goals, the lack of consideration of the territory and culture, the limited access to the DNI for children with anemia and the opposition of the evangelical churches to state interventions.
In recent years, the Peruvian State has notably increased its efforts to reduce the high prevalence of anemia in the country. This, various policies have been implemented by MIDIS, MINSA and MEF. However, such efforts have not led to satisfactory results. On the contrary, the prevalence of anemia in Peru remains constant. In this line, the Amazon is representative since it has the highest rates of budget increase and coverage of the Programa Presupuestal Articulado Nutricional (PAN), but these are not reflected in the results because the prevalence of anemia has not varied much in the region. Therefore, the present study sought to determine the reasons why the prevalence of anemia remains despite the efforts made. In the findings obtained as a result of the review of data and regulations, interviews and field visits, it was determined that such reasons are the limited institutional capacity, the weak coordination between the institutions involved, the lack of will of the local and regional politicians. leaders, the discretion of health personnel to meet goals, the lack of consideration of the territory and culture, the limited access to the DNI for children with anemia and the opposition of the evangelical churches to state interventions.
Palabras clave
Niños--Anemia ferropénica--Perú--Amazonas, Región, Nutrición infantil--Perú--Amazonas, Región, Salud pública--Perú--Amazonas, Región, Política de salud--Perú--Amazonas, Región
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