Modelo prolab: Emprende Fácil, plataforma financiera con IA que ayuda a MYPES a obtener préstamos y servicios adicionales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El principal problema de acceso al crédito para MYPES en Perú es la falta de
conocimiento sobre el sistema financiero y los productos que ofrecen las entidades financieras,
así como la falta de historial crediticio o garantías suficientes para respaldar el préstamo.
Además, las exigencias y procesos engorrosos de las entidades financieras dificultan aún más
el acceso a financiamiento para este grupo.
Este trabajo desarrollado con la metodología de Design Thinking propone una solución
financiera arquitectural que utiliza tecnologías de inteligencia artificial para precalificar
préstamos y ofrecer a los usuarios una comparación de las condiciones financieras de las
entidades afiliadas, lo que les permite ahorrar tiempo y obtener las mejores opciones en el
mercado. La plataforma se enfoca en las necesidades del usuario y el modelo de negocio se
basa en la colaboración con aliados financieros regulados por SBS, lo que proporciona
seguridad y confianza tanto a los usuarios como a las entidades financieras, permitiendo costos
más bajos y una mayor accesibilidad a los préstamos.
La propuesta se centra en promover un sistema financiero inclusivo para las MYPES y
obtiene sus ingresos de comisiones de búsqueda de clientes cobradas a las entidades
financieras, junto con servicios de asesoramiento, educación y capacitación como servicios
Se concluye que esta plataforma tendría un impacto social al estar alineado con la ODS
8, y generaría un VAN Social de S./ 2.943 Millones de soles por el impacto en el ahorro de costos de financiación para las MYPES, además de un VAN económico de S./ 5.9 Millones de
soles una TIR del 108.67%. en 10 años lo que hace que sea financieramente viable.
The main problem for entrepreneurs in Peru to access credit from financial institutions is the lack of knowledge about the financial system and the products offered, as well as the lack of credit history or sufficient guarantees to support the loan. Moreover, the demanding requirements and cumbersome processes of financial institutions make it even more difficult for this group to access financing. This paper proposes an architective financial solution developed with the Design Thinking methodology that uses artificial intelligence technologies to pre-qualify loans and offer users a comparison of the financial conditions of affiliated entities, allowing them to save time and obtain the best options in the market. The platform focuses on the user's needs, and the business model is based on collaboration with SBS-regulated financial allies, providing security and confidence to both users and financial institutions, allowing lower costs and greater accessibility to loans. The proposal aims to promote an inclusive financial system for entrepreneurs and earn revenue from search commissions charged to financial institutions, along with additional advisory, education, and training services. The application is aligned with SDG 8 and would have a social impact, generating a Social NPV of S./2.943 million soles due to the financing cost savings for entrepreneurs, as well as an economic NPV of S./5.9 million soles and a IRR of 108.67% in the first 10 years.
The main problem for entrepreneurs in Peru to access credit from financial institutions is the lack of knowledge about the financial system and the products offered, as well as the lack of credit history or sufficient guarantees to support the loan. Moreover, the demanding requirements and cumbersome processes of financial institutions make it even more difficult for this group to access financing. This paper proposes an architective financial solution developed with the Design Thinking methodology that uses artificial intelligence technologies to pre-qualify loans and offer users a comparison of the financial conditions of affiliated entities, allowing them to save time and obtain the best options in the market. The platform focuses on the user's needs, and the business model is based on collaboration with SBS-regulated financial allies, providing security and confidence to both users and financial institutions, allowing lower costs and greater accessibility to loans. The proposal aims to promote an inclusive financial system for entrepreneurs and earn revenue from search commissions charged to financial institutions, along with additional advisory, education, and training services. The application is aligned with SDG 8 and would have a social impact, generating a Social NPV of S./2.943 million soles due to the financing cost savings for entrepreneurs, as well as an economic NPV of S./5.9 million soles and a IRR of 108.67% in the first 10 years.
Palabras clave
Sistema financiero--Perú--Innovaciones tecnológicas, Credito bancario--Perú, Servicios financieros, Inteligencia artificial